My kids' schools teach really good character-building and citizenship lessons. They cover issues like resisting peer pressure, teasing, bullying (and how to stick up for others who are being bullied), stopping hateful speech, racist speech, intolerance, etc. I've always thought it was a terrific and beneficial program. However, last year and this year I've wondered if the children see the contradictions between what we teach and what we do.
For instance, every child has to learn steps to non-violent conflict resolution. At every grade level they role-play and practice solving conflict without hitting or yelling. The teachers reinforce it all the time when problems come up. It's amazing to watch. But doesn't it seem that kids would start to question why we as a nation don't use the "steps"? Why is it that when we don't like someone, or they have something we want, we just call them names and bomb them?:(