On Hardball with Chris Matthews today (MSNBC), a clip was played from yesterday in which Lieberman said (paraphrase, but close):
"Ya know, nobody has asked why Dean is so pro gun. He's PROBABLY AGAINST THE BRADY BILL, AGAINST THE ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN, and that is wrong.'
Um, Joe, does anyone in your sorry campaing even bother with Opposition Research? It took me about 3 seconds to find these pieces of information STRAIGHT FROM THE DEANFORAMERICA.COM WEBSITE:
http://www.deanforamerica.com/site/News2?page=NewsArticle&id=5987"DEAN CRITICIZES GOP PLANS TO LET ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN EXPIRE"
Wednesday May 14, 2003
By: Communications Office
Calls on President Bush to "Keep His Word" (May 14, 2003)
BURLINGTON, VT--In the wake of an announcement by Congressional Republicans that they plan to allow the federal ban on assault weapons to expire, presidential candidate Governor Howard Dean (D-VT) today called on President Bush to "keep his word" and fight to reauthorize the ban on deadly semi-automatic weapons. Dean says there is no legitimate sporting purpose for assault weapons.
"Sportsmen know they don't need an Uzi to hunt deer," said Dean. "These weapons are not favored by sportsmen. They are favored by criminals and terrorists, and we need to keep them off our streets.
Bush has stated his support for reauthorizing the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban, which is due to expire in September. Dean urged the President to put pressure on members of his party in Congress. "The true measure of leadership is standing up to your friends when they are wrong," said Dean. "President Bush should use the power of the presidency to urge his fellow Republicans to do the right thing, protect American lives, and extend the assault weapons ban."
And, let's see, what else was I able to find:
http://deanforamerica.com"I believe the federal gun laws we have—like the Brady Bill—are important, and I would veto any attempt to repeal or gut them. The Assault Weapons Ban expires next year, and it should be renewed. Although President Bush has claimed he supports renewing it, he is talking out both sides of his mouth; his staff has signaled that he doesn’t want or expect Congress to renew the ban, and that is wrong.
I don’t think we need a lot of new federal laws. But we do need to do a few things at the federal level, like requiring Insta-Check on all retail and gun show sales. We also must do a better job of enforcing the laws on the books."
Oh, and wait, it's also in Spanish, too, Senator Lieberman:
http://www.deanforamerica.com/site/PageServer?pagename=about_issues_guns_spanishreo que debemos mantener y imponer las leyes federales de armas que existen inclusive la prohibición de armas de asalto y la Ley de Brady y cerrar la escapatoria de las exposiciones de armas usando "Insta-check" y entonces permitir que los estados deciden para sí mismos las leyes adicionales del control de armas. Según resistimos los intentos del Presidente Bush para dictar a los estados cómo controlamos nuestros sistemas escolares y qué clase de programas de asistencia social tenemos, también necesitamos resistir los intentos del Presidente ha decirnos cómo manejar las leyes del control de armas, fuera de la ley federal.
If you are going to attach a candidate's position, at least know wtf it is first.
(Note: sorry about the caps, but this is just a bullshit attempt by Joe to get attention.)
EDIT: wrong web address listed. changed.