I think the Newsweek poll where 70% of Americans say we will be bogged down in Iraq while 61% say we did the right thing in invading is no contradiction. Plainly, Americans are saying they wanted Saddam out, but would prefer not to stay in Iraq afterwards. Leave aside whether that is possible, the poll is telling us what they want. They had a fling, but they don't want a relationship.
On NPR this afternoon, a report said the Bushies are concerned that people will begin to demand that we exit Iraq. Leaving Iraq was a Tucker Carlson talking point a couple of days ago too. Also, we are hearing a lot more talk about "exit strategy" and being "trapped in Iraq."
Since the conventional wisdom is that we can't leave Iraq, I think Bush is in trouble. Getting Saddam out of power is about all the upside this war has to show for itself. That's a lot thinner gruel than the WMDs and links to al Qaeda we were all baited with. Now all we have left is Iraq telling us "I'm not going to be ignored."
Here's a link of the poll as it appeared on the USA Today site. I couldn't find the MSNBC/Newsweek link...