faith requires one to believe in something, no matter how much the facts tell you otherwise. a mother has faith that her son could never murder someone, but that mother is wrong. anyone can murder someone, but a mother's faith will not let her mind believe it.
some religious people go on blind faith, accepting scriptures for what they are, literally. if someone suggests to them that christ could not have possibly walked on water or raised the dead, their faith gives them no conflict in their minds. they believe it, by faith.
and now, the republicans are using the same faith based devotion to it's fullest advantage. only politically. you can hear it when a c-span bush supporting caller says that he believes bush is chosen by god, doing the right thing, and has our best interests at heart. all false, but the faithful just WON'T SEE IT.
faith has a positive and negative side. faith can pull you through rough spots, or give you resolve, but blind faith takes away all your objectivity and your ability to see evil right in front of your eyes.
we are up against millions of people afflicted with a bad case of blind faith.