This is maybe the best transcript you will ever read.
KYRA PHILLIPS, CNN ANCHOR: Now, political football. President
Nixon submitted a play to a Super Bowl team and his successor,
Gerald Ford, was an all-American center.
Now there's this, the home page of NFL's Tampa Bay Bucks.
UNIDENTIFIED VOICE ACTOR: Sir, you're holding in your hands photographic evidence of weapons of mass
PHILLIPS: Anyone offended? Well, a team spokesperson says the Buccaneers haven't gotten any complaints. But
just in case, the spokesperson says -- quote -- "we regret if anyone might be upset." That certainly was not our
Joining us now to chew this over, I guess, a bit, political commentator Martin Lewis. He's joining us now live from
Los Angeles.
OK, Martin, what do you think? Is it insensitive?
MARTIN LEWIS, POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Well, insensitive -- well, I think what is insensitive is that this president
lied to 290 million American people about why we were going to war. Nearly 300 brave American soldiers have died
so far and the lie was that there were weapons of mass destruction. We haven't found any. It turned out to be a
weapon of mass distraction. This president didn't want anyone paying attention to how he was decimating the
American economy. I think that's a joke. America has become a laughing stock around the world because we -- our
president literally lied.
And it's strange, really, in this country that we had a president who cheated on his wife and he got impeached for it.
Here we've got a guy who's cheated on 290 million Americans and not much has been happening. Bravo to the
Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Bravo to them.
PHILLIPS: Oh, so you think this is not a bad thing. You think it's OK?
LEWIS: I think it's extremely good and it shows up for a complete laughing stock that George Bush has made this
country. It's time for -- you know what? George Bush has been cut so much slack. The American people are very
decent people. After 9/11 they said, Look, the guy he said is a couple of tacos short of a combo plate, but at least
he's trying his best. So everyone rallied around him. But he's turned out to be deceptive. He's used the fact that
everyone rallies around the flag in a time of crisis and he lied to us. He lied on something serious.
PHILLIPS: All right.
LEWIS: Not about an affair. He lied about something serious.
PHILLIPS: Let's get back to this Web site, OK? And the weapons of mass destruction. You know, and it opens up
and all of a sudden, the Tampa Bay Buccaneer players come out, you know, as the weapons of mass destruction.
When do political parodies go too far, though? I mean, Martin, come on. You know, weapons of mass destruction
killed hundreds and hundreds of Kurds and it could have been a massive threat to thousands more people.
LEWIS: Well, the only -- but the reality is the most strong thing they found there, the masochists that took place there
which nobody, we have to remember, the massacres that took place during the ages were a time when the Reagan
and George Bush Sr. governments were actually supporting the Iraqis. We have to remember that. Nobody makes
light of those weapons of mass destruction. But the British prime minister, Tony Blair, is imminently likely to lose his
job because they just weren't there any more. So they may have been there at one time, but Saddam Hussein had
got rid of them and he was bragging.
The most dangerous thing they found is about 500 canisters of mosquito repellent, which might be dangerous for
mosquitoes. It's not going to damage -- there's no danger to America, whatsoever. You know that.
Full Transcript here: