Here's a link to a story about one of the human shields in Iraq being threatened with prosecution by the US government:'m used to being angered by the news these days, but this exchange nearly knocked me out of my seat:
After you returned, you were threatened with jail time and fines for your actions in Iraq.
When I returned on May 4,
an initial letter that said I would be penalized by up to 12 years in prison and a $1 million fine. In my response I said, “If it comes to fines or imprisonment please be aware that I will not contribute money to the U.S. government to continue to build up weapons of mass destruction. Perhaps consider the alternative.”
Have you heard from the government again?
Just recently I received a telephone call from the Treasury Department asking if I would be agreeable to a quick settlement. They had read my reply but they felt that I must pay $10,000. said if I didn’t agree with that penalty, notice would be sent soon. If I chose to ignore that notice, she said they would garnish my retirement and Social Security. I asked twice if this would be instead of having a trial, and she said there would be no trial.
No Trial?! The Treasury Dept can issue a $10,000 fine, with the threat of a $1mm fine and 12 years in jail if not accepted, and there would be no trial available for a US citizen? Since the current administration doesn't give a damn about balancing the budget, it is obvious that this is nothing but a neat totalitarian move to stifle future dissent. Where in the hell has the country we grew up in gone?