Edited on Thu Aug-28-03 05:26 PM by RobertFrancisK
The more I think about Bill Clinton the more I despise him. His conservative record destroyed us as a nation party and he sold out or blew it on some of our key issues. So I got to thinking "what if he had lost in 92?" Here's what I think could've happened: Bush I would have had a rapid decline in popularity as the economy continued to sour because he didn't feel he needed to do anything about it. This would have caused the Democrats to make sweeping gains in the house and senate, booting out Senators like Ashcroft for steady progressives and House members like the young Tom DeLay and Democrat governors would beat of any challengers, such as Ann Richards destroying the campaign of George W. Bush and ruining his career. After the tech-boom came into effect in 95, Congress would pass sweeping gun control and tax reform bills over the presidents veto. In 1996, Bob Dole would be the Republicans' sacrificial lamb to veteran Senator Fritz Hollings. The administration would erase any talks of NAFTA, balance the budget as well as implementing a national healthcare plan and a welfare reform bill that provided valuable job training and free adult education to poor single mothers if they got out of the system 6 months after they finished school. The success of this administration as well as the courage and moral integrity of it brings liberalism to new heights.
Instead, we got a bad welfare reform bill, NAFTA, a huge defeat on healthcare, lost both houses, got a few moderate judges on the bench, the telecommunication act, and got a surpuls which wasn't used on anything and was set up to be wasted by the next administration, which was republican because Bill embarrassed the party by not keeping his zipper up for a fat slut.
ANyway, I think if Hillary runs, I hope she gets destroyed in the primaries, because the Clintons may get some good done here and there, but the bottom line is they don't care about anything but winning (Hillary too, as evidence: her war vote). We don't need someone slick that can con the public and press into liking them, but someone that will mkae the country better and have people like him for that.