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Why should you care about US-Cuba policy during an election campaign?

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Osolomia Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-28-03 06:33 PM
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Why should you care about US-Cuba policy during an election campaign?

So you like being treated like a second-class citizen in your own country by your own government?

So you like being the only people on the planet whose government denies its citizens and residents the freedom to travel to Cuba and see it for yourself more than 10 years after the Cold War ended?

So you like having to lie to the US government about where you went on your summer vacation and risk a $250,000.00 fine and 10 years in a US jail if they find out you’ve been doing what everyone else in the world is free to do, even the “exiles” in Miami?

So you like being blatantly lied to by your politicians and “free press” and looking like fools on the world stage more than 10 years after the Soviets left Cuba?

So you like using food and medicine as weapons?

So you like living in a state of denial about an embargo that has been unanimously condemned by the Rest of the World as immoral and unethical for over 10 years now?

So you like giving zillions of your taxpayers’ dollars to Batista’s fellow “exiles” in Florida and their favorite “dissidents” in Cuba?

So you like having your elections stolen by these “exiles” in Miami-Dade?

So you like being dictated to by an extremist fascist minority?

So you like to ignore the will of a bipartisan majority of Americans and members of Congress who have repeatedly voted to lift the travel ban?

So you like losing multi-million dollar trade deals with Cuba to companies in countries you’ve probably never even heard of all because of the pathological prejudice of a few?

So you like living in your Cold War fantasyland in 2003?

So you like treating your neighbors with ignorant disrespect?

So you like being seen as hypocritical and unethical morons by the Rest of the World?

So you call yourself a Democrat?

If so then apparently many a DUer has a lot to learn from the lies and bullshit the Bush administration has been spewing all over the world and are destined to repeat the same mistakes if they don’t smarten up fast.

Many a recent article has warned of Bush taking on Cuba as a desperate re-election stunt and considering the ignorance of so many Americans to this day he could easily get away with anything! He’s already gotten away with tightening travel restrictions on American-Americans while loosening them on the Cuban-American “exiles” who’ve been Cuba’s largest single source of revenue for several years now to the tune of over $1 billion a year with Bush increasing the limit 10 fold while forbidding American-Americans to spend a nickel there with nary an iota of opposition to such pretzel logic from members of the supposedly Democratic party! So what’s next and why should you care?

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liberalmuse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-28-03 06:41 PM
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1. I do care...
However, I'm saving all my righteous anger for getting Bush out of the White House and replacing him with someone who isn't dangerous and incompetent, to say the very least. If we can get a president who is interested in representing the people of this country into the White House, then the rest will follow.
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