Dear Georgie,
I thought I told you to go get a rack, not go get Iraq. Oh well, I ought to know to be careful about spelling things out for you. Remember I told you: if you are ever in doubt about what I told you to say or do, just call me in the bunker.
This Iraq thing is ok, though, Halliburton Special Services Troops helped guide our missiles to the things we can really clean up on in re-construction. Man, it’s a good thing I put all that stock in little sister’s name so we can recover it after your fourth term.
Now, don’t say anything bad about the Saudis. I know, I know, the terrorist were Saudis, but you got to wack a whole lot of WTCs to get anybody on their oil rich backs. You think my Hummer runs on cactus juice? We’ve got to keep our priorities straight.
Besides, have some parades and victory balls while you skunk the public with your tax cut and killing off (I LIKE that word) those social and environmental programs. Once we get that behind us, THEN we start rattling any foreign cages that don’t do as I….I mean we say.
PS: no, I think we did destroy your IQ test records. Nothing to worry about.