ok folks, been reading various posts regarding the different Democratic candidates and why so'n'so is better than whatshisname...
my comments: With our in-fighting we are losing sight of the big pictures...namely getting the
whistleass back to Crawford PERMANENTLY
I know we all have our favorite democratic candidate and that we want to support him/her - but bashing the "opponents" doesn't cut it.
Instead of slamming Dean or Kuchinich or Kerry or Lieberman or Gephardt or Edwards or Braun or Sharpton or Graham or even Clark - focus on what your candidate has to offer, not in the sense why Kerry's plan for whatever is better than Dean's - just explain Kerry's plan.
If your candidate is "missing" something, or not focusing on something you feel that is important - write to them, if they have an office near you - go volunteer
Just stop beating up on each other - and remember - for most of us we will be standing behind whoever gets the nomination.
ok flame away