run rough-shod over us. I got a long email once from a very good friend about how immigrants were ruining this country for the rest of "us" good, God-fearing Christians. I did a reply all with this: (Note not one person stepped up to defend the position put forth in the email.)
"Sometimes I too feel, if you don't like what we do here, you should leave. And, if you really hate it, you should. But, if all the people who didn't like the way things were run here moved away, instead of trying to change our country for the better, (where all men and women are created equal and we have the freedom of and even freedom FROM religion), this would be a pretty sorry place. Although, most of us white folk would be doing pretty well wouldn't we? Well, the rich ones anyway. With our plantations and slaves and such? We could still have the Chinese doing our laundry and keep them from walking on our sidewalks. Hell, we could still burn witches, if we wanted to. Only white people could own property and we could keep all the women pregnant and in the kitchen. No need for us to vote, or anything like that. I don't believe in political correctness. It's just polite lying. (Sometimes it's necessary, though. Like here's a really UN-politically correct thing to say... How about all the people who don't like diversity and equality move away and start their own, "White-Christians Only" country. They could just take over some place with a bunch of brown people in it, kill them, make the rest live on the infertile lands, or turn them into slaves. Problem is, somebody'd start raping the brown women, or the different colors would fall in love with each other, and the white thing would get all confusing, half whites, quarter whites and such. Then they'd let other people move in to do their menial labor, those people would bring their religions, food and values with them and shoot, you'd end up right back where you started, huh? Bad idea, I guess. Probably shouldn't have said it.) All Americans aren't Christian. And most of the people who complain, and litigate, about our flag and the dominant religion aren't immigrants, they're natural born American citizens. (Nobody has told ME I can't say "Merry Christmas!" But, children in mandatory public education systems need not be forcefully indoctrinated into Christian ideology. It may be the dominant religion, but it really isn't the nationally MANDATED religion. Really.) Which is what makes this country great. We're ALLOWED to do stuff like that - litigate and complain, pray, or not. Immigrants, naturalized, or not, usually revere our way of life, that's why they come here. A great majority of them are usually too busy trying to make a living and getting an education to be bitching about religion and flags. Many end up doing a better job of living the American dream than we do. And, if THAT bothers anybody, they should step up to the plate and play the game the way it's meant to be played - in the classroom, on the job and in their homes. Not sit around crying because somebody might be taking something away from them. The AMERICAN culture is a mixture of cultures from all over the world. The American ideal is a belief in diversity and respect for each other as human beings, not the ruling of each other based on social status, or skin color, or religion, or sex, (although that is the ideal, it's never really been true... yet), We have a long way to go and it will be hard, painful work before we come to know what true equality means for every man, woman and child. Will we get there? Who knows, but it's sure worth trying. THAT'S what it means to be an American."