We have seen poll after poll on the Net (I had an ongoing thread of CNN polls which were resoundingly against Bush) defying the results of traditional phone-based "scientific" polls. These on-line polls have been called non-scientific, but let us for the moment assume that they actually reflect the opinions of the Net universe, if not the public at large. If so, this tells me that as the Net becomes the primary source of News and Commentary, the DEMOCRATIC MAJORITY WILL GROW BEYOND OUR WILDEST EXPECTATIONS.
Consider this: What if these polls reflect the true feelings of those who get the real news and analysis on the Net at sites like DU and Buzzflash and Democrats.com and the Wage Slave Journal, etc...?
An educated, open-minded individual is by nature disposed to liberalism. You can no longer get the necessary information to determine the truth watching MSNBC or CNN or FOX or the evening news for that matter. But you can get it reading Palast or Bev Harris or Will Pitt and...can I be so immodest to say TIA?
Look at what has been achieved on the Net:
- the facts which have been determined and the unanswered questions NOT even addressed by the 9/11 investigations.
- the powerful movement which began here at DU to expose the ongoing touch-screen voting computer threat to our democracy. Where else would you have learned about Florida 2000, Georgia 2002 and 18181?
- the Internet-driven Howard Dean campaign financing.
- the emergence of a powerful peace movement prior to the Iraq War.
- the rapid growth of Democratic, anti-Bush sites which categorize and summarize his unending crimes, lies and abuse of power. These can be documented in a second using a Google search.
Just a few years ago, his pre-SCOTUS selection biography "Fortunate Son" was banned, never once discussed by the media. Look how far we have come since. Now there are many books about Bush Lies, the basis of which were first recorded on the Net.
- A combination of the Google search tool and inspired analysis by outraged Netizens is leading to uncovering the TRUTH about Iraq, PNAC and the Bush Cabal.
As the NET assumes critical mass in its role as the MEDIA of CHOICE, and the whoremedia, the last gasp of right-wing propaganda, is resigned to the crap-heap of history, are we witnessing a MAJOR political transformation occurring right before our eyes? One in which an EDUCATED populace, having access to a powerful, infinite source of news and analysis, becomes dominant.
A dominant Democratic force so powerful that Bush can never win unless he massively riggs the vote, even more so than Florida 2000. He is preparing for this right now by attempting to steal California via the recall, so he can get Arnie in to protect the Diebold thieves.
Look what the folks in Oklahoma Bush country say about him now: