This one's easy to debunk.
If one considers that liberal/conservative (or in the current case Everybody Else/Busheviks) is an evolving set of positions, but embracing similar thinking groups of people we can see...
(rest assured liberalism has plenty of excesses as well, which is why the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution to balance passions into moderation)
1960s Liberals-Civil Rights, Voting Rights, Environment; Conservatives-Lynchings, Segregation, The Right to Pollute
1930s Conservatives--Forming American Nazi Support Groups (look it up) Prescott Bush helps finance Hitler's money laundering operations using Union Banking Corp. Oh, and let's not forget the Smedley Butler Coup of 1936 (look it up--it is a fact recently declassified during the Last Days of the Old Republic), where Republicans tried to coup d'etat FDR and were stopped because Gen Butler, a famous war hero, turned the bastards in. For the good of the country/economy. FDR classified it until the millenium. Liberals--Unionization (which has had it's excesses, for sure), FDRs economic policies and massive domestic infrastructure achievements such as Rural Electrification and the Dams Projects. 1860s Conservative--The Confederacy, and if you doubt it, just look at the Red vs. Blue map today. Is there a single Blue Confederate State there? And the Union at the time, not quite the same...you Confederates have made your inroads. Liberal--Abolitionsists (think of how Rush would've ridiculed William Lloyd Garrison and told Frederick Douglass to "take that bone out of his nose")
You following me so far? (if you're a Fair and Balanced kind of guy, you are no doubt looking for the place far enough back in time to blur the historical lines and swap historical positions)
The Big One
1776 Liberals--Those whacky Founding Fathers with their pinko ideas about giving common people rights when nothing but brutal medeval aristcrocies Conservative--Preserve the Monarchy, stick with what we have, back to the past and Old Fashioned Values
Let's go just a little further back in Europe:
16th Century Conservatives--Witch burnings, good old fashioned religion, people knew their place, if ya know what I mean. Liberals--Burnt at the stake, no "liberal" dared express questions or sympathy or reason, lest the eye of the Puritans and others would fall upon them. Galileo, that elitist intellectual liberal, is threatened by Church for expressing his scientific findings that the Earth isn't the center of the Universe. Perhaps that's something like what Ashcroft yearns for.
13th-15th Century Conesrvatives--Inquisitions sweep Europe, Conservatives enjoy "one-party" rule. Really the same as the witch trials but a different muderous justification. You can bet your ass there weren't any marble statues with a tit hangin' out like that statue that Ashcroft dressed properly.
So there, my Fair and Balanced friend, is the short synopsis of why you are wrong wrong WRONG.
Care to reply? Try to stay on message. No ad hominems. Stick to the issue. And kindly don't bring up Clinton's penis.