Guess what word isn't on W's bumper stickers, at least around here
Bossy Monkey
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Fri Aug-29-03 03:15 PM
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Guess what word isn't on W's bumper stickers, at least around here |
Did you guess "re-elect"? Give yourself a star. The first such sticker I've seen thus far just said: W in 2004. What a time for Republicans to start worrying about false advertising!:)
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Fri Aug-29-03 03:24 PM
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It shows they don't want the issue brought up, and are being careful about giving us a reason to bring it up.
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Fri Aug-29-03 03:37 PM
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2. I actually saw someone with a T-shirt |
I was in the Hale Koa hotel (military resort in Honolulu) several weeks ago when I saw this young woman wearing a "Re-Elect W in 2004" t-shirt. We were standing in a buffet line when I told her, "Interesting shirt to wear in a military hotel right now." She just kind of looked at me with this vacuous look on her face. She totally didn't know what to make of my comment. :evilgrin:
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Fri Aug-29-03 04:00 PM
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Cheney wasn't on it, either.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:06 AM
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