I tend to think that LIHOP is far more plausible. Shrubby and Co. had more than enough warning in the months before 9/11, especially in August. I think that they took advantage of that, knowing Shrub's poll numbers were really weak and were only going to go down further. It was also the perfect cover for the implementation of all of the anti-civil liberties actions (PATRIOT Act, TIA, etc., etc., ad nauseam), and served as a justification for almost anything Shrub and Co. wanted to do. It was also the perfect cover to finally invade Iraq, which is what the PNAC people, including Cheney and Wolfowitz, had been agitating for for over a decade, and the fulfillment of their imperialistic ambitions in starting a new American empire.
I think MIHOP would have been much more difficult, and would have involved far too many people in the planning and implementation for it to have truly remained covered up. No, I think they knew it was coming and needed to take advantage of it, and that's why LIHOP is more plausible.
BTW, I still can't get over Shrub's reaction at the first plane hitting the tower, when he said "That's some bad pilot", then went back to reading a book to second-graders! That's unbelievable, even for him!