My brother did. Here's what dem groups are doing:
Looks like I wasn't the only person having ballot troubles. Good thing the Dems are on it like white on rice this time!
What to do about Problem Ballots: Democrats Abroad has set up a Multi-Pronged Plan of Action US citizens living in Australia have been receiving absentee ballots from their home electoral district since about 15 September. Some overseas voters are finding irregularities in the ballots or in the absentee voting process.
Democrats Abroad, Americans Overseas for Kerry-Edwards and the team are launching a joint plan of action for dealing with problems reported by overseas voters.
The plan will be implemented on 3 levels:
1. FOR VOTERS, we have created a webform where voters can report irregularities and request an FWAB. If you have problems with your ballot please go to
2. FOR DA Local Chapter Leaders/AOK VOTING INFORMATION OFFICERS, we have created an online forum at Different discussion threads have been established for each state. So if you hear of a problem in a certain county, you can log on and see if the problem has already been resolved. I believe you will also have access to the problem reports from your country. Access to this forum is restricted to DA/AOK voter assisters. Please contact
Robbie Checkoway ( to gain access to this website for yourself or voter assistance officers you know.
3. LEGAL SUPPORT: Our DA Int'l Legal Counsel, Joe Smallhoover, is coordinating a legal team to advise on problems identified through the above process and mount legal challenges where necessary.
Also, you can always contact me, Carmelan Polce, Chair of Democrats Abroad Australia at, and I'll work with you to resolve your problem as quickly as possible.