Despite these outrageous actions on the part of Bush this weekend, it won't matter...The Bush White House has a plan.
WE truly can't wait another year and a half to get this man and his whole ruling junta out of office. Imagine the even greater damage he can do to this country; imagine how much more he can continue to reward his rich contributors by fucking over average Americans. Of course, the good news is, soon there won't be any 'wealth' left to redistribute. Bush is truly looking to subject average Americans to what Paul Krugman calls "a Dickensian nightmare," of paltry wages, weekly slave workhouse hours, and sooty, polluted air to breathe.
I'm sure most of you, enjoying your Labor Day Weekend, have missed Bush's latest "Trifecta." They're counting on you to not notice it.
Firstly, national treasure Greg Palast's latest dogged effort to wring the truth from what Bush is doing, compared to what Bush is saying.
"In celebration of the working person's holiday, Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao has announced the Bush Administration's plan to end the 60-year-old law which requires employers to pay time-and-a-half for overtime."
THE GRINCH THAT STOLE LABOR DAY, citing the "national emergency" created by the September 11, 2001, attacks, President Bush Wednesday exercised his authority to limit the pay increase for many federal workers next January to 2 percent -- well below the 15 percent some employees would have been entitled to receive. Nice, huh? That "totally unforeseen" 9-11 Attack on America is the just the gift that keeps on giving! TO Bush, that is. the third element of Bush's trifecta:
"the EPA announced a major relaxation of air pollution rules giving essentially free rides to the worst polluters in the country, including utilities, chemical plants and pulp and paper mills. Instead of producing less toxic waste in the air after making major upgrades or repairs, as is the explicit intent of the Clean Air Act, the rule change would allow the polluters to spew as much as they are now, or more, without penalty. ", what makes much of this even that much more egregious, aside from his sneaky and cowardly method of enacting such legislation when we're least likely to notice he did it, is that he's screwing over Federal workers TWICE, and while taking a month-long vacation, himself.
Let us be clear; these are not the actions of a President who's concerned about his re-election chances. I mean, he's been given a free ride by the media, a large portion of which are owned by defense contractors (G.E.), but several factions of such are starting to turn against Bush. I don't think he can rely upon them to help him coast to a victory in 2004. He just lost several million votes, if this story gets out. The media may cover his ass again, and O'Reilly and Rush and Coulter can be counted on to blame Clinton's Penis for this. But these Federal workers will get hip to this, their next paycheck. Add to that, Republicans in Congress are currently crafting legislation to eliminate the 40-hour workweek!
The Bush White House has a plan.
Much like pre-9-11, Bush was doing some pretty outrageous things, his poll numbers sinking below 50, and like Captain Mike has stated before, Bush simply couldn't continue on this path and remain in office. They knew 9-11 was coming, and the elements were in place to allow the attacks to occur, therefore, they knew they could keep behaving in this manner because 9-11 would wipe the slate clean.
The Bush White House has a plan.
What can Bush run on for re-election? HE's got NOTHING, except FEAR, TERROR, and RIGGED VOTING MACHINES. Do your research. The 2000 Election wasn't just stolen in Florida. The Republicans own the new touch-screen voting machines that no independent outside auditor is allowed to examine. ( That could be one "sure thing" that is letting Bush proceed with his reckless regard for "Joe Sixpack's" vote.
Or, it could be something more insidious. More terror. More phony staged terror attacks in the United States. More phony power outages. More something. Regardless of what it is, if it's 'bad' for Americans, it WILL be something that will benefit the Bush Cabal. You can count on it.
Captain Mike