I am now about half-way through "Lies and The Lying Liars Who Tell Them" and frankly, it is impossible to put down. He keeps you turning pages, not knowing if you will soon be laughing or if you will get pissed off all over again about things like stolen elections.
But, he is really funny while telling the truth.
I loved this: "Scumbag," "sociopath," "perpetual preener," "rapist," "unserious," "craven miscreant,"(1) Sound like anyone you know? I mean, besides Steven Seagal?(2) Actually, it was the forty-second President of the United States, Bill Clinton, who was called all these things. In my day, we never used such language to describe the President, unless he was a real asshole like Nixon."
Franken's footnotes: (btw: he has real footnotes in his book)
(1)Scumbag - Rep. Dan Burton to the Washington Post; sociopath-Craig Shirley in the Washington Times; perpetual preener,rapist,unserious-George Will in his syndicated column; craven miscreant-Michelle Malkan in the Washington Times
(2)Just Kidding. I have never heard Steven Seagal being referred to as a "rapist," or a "sociopath," or "unserious."
I am glad to see this book is successful. Everyone should read it.