4 million stolen votes and Kerry Concedes?
Could it be the DNC is not beholden to it's BASE?
OK We had Dean,we had Kuchinich,who got no air time Sharpton who on the major TV stations had his bring down the house speech TALKED over by arrogant pundits..
The Media did everything it could to shut out the working class and POVERTY issues.
Kerry did not speak to the base,the poor and working class.He wimped out when he had PLENTY of issues to attack bush on . If he was REALLY progressive he would have had this election handed to him on a platter. Bush was a hairs breadth from freaking out on the debates,yet Kerry didn't push.
I fear Kerry was chosen precisely so he would lose. I fear it's true... the democrats and the republicans are one party.One party with 2 faces playing good cop/bad cop for the corporatist,elitists and theocracy who really believe the masses (read poorer than they are)are to be lied to,sacrificed,used up,abused, and kept uneducated,faithful and infantile..
The democratic party fears freedom for the people just as much as the republicans do they just use the good cop imagery to do it.
Kerry betrayed us,and the nation,but also don't forget who put Kerry there,the Democratic party who practically shooed in Kerry as the candidate of THEIR (DEM leadership)choice. I didn't want Kerry as the candidate,I didn't but this vote for Kerry or else bush wins coercion crap..BUsh won anyway,because it was PLANNED all along. I voted for Kuchinich in the primary,someone not playing to moderates,not overplayed by the corporate media,someone who really IS progressive.. What if Kuchinich got fair air time? Would we really be in this boat now? Bush played up to his BASER we played up to UNDECIDEDS. When the BASE was begging for recognition.Playing to the moderates screwed us all.And too many Dem's played along with the good cop game.What if Dean's whoop wasn't so easily demonized? He threatened to break up the media monopolies right before he was demonized by the media.That fact faded into obsurity..too quickly. We the liberals the good hearted have been sold out by our good cop republican lite party,which is if you take off the velvet gloves are indeed,sadly, fascists too. Nader was the only person talking economic justice and equality,He had a point about the parties looking alike and we scapegoated him for his warning.Nader even sent Kerry ten points he could use to defeat bush with .Kerry let us down like his corporate owners asked him to.