mainly for pain relief of chronic/terminal illness:, so far, not for the treatment of bulimia. Having known a number of bulimics who died of their illness, after lengthy, expensive and protracted treatments that merely bought time at the expense of further physical deterioration, I'd have thought that the next step is for clinical trials of cannabis, given its proven efficacy as an appetite stimulus and general muscle relaxant.
In the UK bulimia is still treated as a mental illness with court-order enforced force-feeding as a popular option for minors. NHS treatment almost always involves 24/7 diet and behavioural policing under Mental Health Act freedom restrictions. The patients never get better and premature death is 98% certainty.
Until 1970, tincture of cannabis was available on prescription and its use in bulimia treatment recroded. Subsequently banned as being 'liable to cause moral corruption' through misuse.