Labor Day + BuzzFlash Postcards= Purrrrrrrfect Together!
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Mon Sep-01-03 10:09 AM
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Labor Day + BuzzFlash Postcards= Purrrrrrrfect Together! |
:bounce: I spent $10.00 on getting the CBO Stat's comparison postcards {Clinton vs. Bushies}AND the "Bush Lied...and Soldiers Died" cards.
Spent another $5.00 getting p/c stamps and VOILA! I started addressing them to all Talk Radio Pukes whom I could find addresses for and the LOCAL Newspapers (they won't print it-but it's arrival will "buzz" the newsroom!)
ALL the NATIONAL media whores for whom DU & Buzzflash have "snail mail" addresses.:argh: ? I picked out my Fav's (like Howie-the-Whore) and sent them a little "vacation card".
It felt great-like mailing off "Issues Oriented" letter bombs!:nuke:
Don't bother signing your name,either:wow: THEY don't!
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Mon Sep-01-03 02:55 PM
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Tue Sep-02-03 02:15 AM
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2. Mailed them All This Morning! I Feel GREAT! |
Edited on Tue Sep-02-03 02:16 AM by GalleryGod
Striking a Blow for Liberty! While supporting a Great Web Site! :bounce: :party: :bounce: :smoke:
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:06 AM
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