Honestly I think that speaks more to the general frame of mind and lifestyle of the average democrat than it does anything else. Republicans are focused on power and on being "right" all the time and on winning. The majority of democrats are focused on working, on keeping their jobs, on being with their families, and for every one of us on DU who are politically rabid and news junkies, there are about 50-100 middle to lower class working stiffs or single mothers or Union guys who have about a million better things to do in their day to day lives than concern themselves with who may or may not run for president or how stiff Kerry is or how many people Dean has registered on Meet Up or the voting machines or whatever it is that we hardcore Dems are worried about today.
It's not a matter of right or wrong, it's just that the republicans are more concerned with their power structure and the status quo. And even the most remote threat to that, no matter how far in the future, worries them and makes them think about and keep aware of the potential democratic challengers. But a lot of self identified Dems and the typical Dem consituencies are likely to be more concerned with keeping their heads above water money wise. They know they don't like Bush, and they know they don't want to vote for him, but that doesn't mean that they are keeping track of this stuff just yet.
Would I like people to be more politically aware? Sure I would, and I fight to see that it happens every day amongst people I know. But I wouldn't worry or be concerned with or judge anyone "pathetic" based on these numbers.