With just over four weeks still to go, Schwarzenegger's first road tour - more of a cameo, really - shows how quickly the self- proclaimed political "outsider" has in many ways taken on the trappings of an insider pol himself.
Exhibit A: After suggesting he would run a campaign financed with his own millions, he has hired fundraisers to solicit donors who have already contributed a reported $4 million.
Exhibit B: His first foray here outside Southern California - designed to attract crowds and press but not answer their questions.
"In record time, Arnold has become the insider politician he promised everyone he would not become," says Larry Berg, a former longtime political scientist at the University of Southern California. "Instead of running a people's campaign with fresh insight from outside the system, he has surrounded himself completely with very good, seasoned political consultants who have spent their lives in California politics and are advising him accordingly."
http://www.csmonitor.com/2003/0902/p01s02-uspo.htmlAn article exposing Arnold the puppet.