I gladly admit that I'm stealing from Will Pitt who put forth a positive post titled, Compendium of reasons to Vote for John Kerry. I hope that likewise this will be a positive post and lead to postive responses and civilized debate.
Dean's Vermont Record:
The Environment
* Preserved over 470,000 aces of land--nearly 8% of the state of
Vermont from development.
* Signed into law tough Emissions standards--more strident than
called for by Kyoto.
* A tough Executive order lowering levels of Mercury in water.
* Passed incentives to keep development in downtown areas to
preserve Vermont's scenic landscape.
Here is Dean's San Francisco speech on the Environment and its call for a Hundred Year Plan to protect and preserve our environment:
http://www.deanforamerica.com/site/News2?page=NewsArticle&id=7383&securityDean's record on Children's rights in Vermont:
*First state to institute a statewide protocol for abuse
investigations. Incidents of physical and sexual abuse
of children declined 45%.
* Dean signed the Abya Prevention and Child Support Law which
requires abusers to pay child support and living expenses
to spouses who request court protection and have no means of]
Civil Rights for All in Vermont
*Dean signed the Civil Unions bill on 4/26/00 which made Vermont
the first state to recognize same-sex unions.
*Dean strengthened protections against anti-gay violence by
signing a law adding sexual orientation and gender ID to Vermont
hate crimes statutes.
Here is a wonderful essay written by a 15-year old girl on the Civil Unions fight in Vermont and its aftermath and Dean's role which won the John F. Kennedy Library Profiles in Courage Award for Essay:
http://www.jfklibrary.org/pica_essay_winner_2001_dziczek.htmlDean and Health Care:
*96% of Vermont children have healthcare coverage in part thru
Gov. Dean's Dr. Dynasaur Program. An additional 3% are eligible
for the program.
* Dean expanded coverage for chldren in low and middle income
families. Children 18 and under, whose families are at or
below 300% of federal poverty level are eligible at virtually
no cost.
Here are details of Dean's healthcare proposal which was delivered
at Columbia University.
http://www.deanforamerica.com/site/News2?page=NewsArticle&id=5487&news_iv_ctrl=1428Dean and the Economy:
*Repeal Bush Tax cut and use money to pay for Universal Health care,
Homeland security, and investments in job creation.
* begin balancing the budget,"We cannot have social or economic
justice without a sound fiscal foundation."
As a contrast to Bush, Dean has a solid record of balancing budgets.
and in contrast to most other states left Vermont in strong
fiscal shape.
Dean on Reproductive Rights
*Gov. Dean is 100% pro-choice. "As a physician, I do not believe
the congress or the president should practice medicine. Abortion
is a deeply personal decision, which ought to be made between a
woman and her physician. It's none of the government's business."
http://www.deanforamerica.com/site/PageServer?pagename=policy_statement_health_reproductivefreedomDean on the Patriots Act:
"...unnecessarily compromised our freedoms in the name of fighting
http://www.deanforamerica.com/site/PageServer?pagename=policy_statement_civilrights_patriotactDean and Iraq War:
Last but certainly not least, Dean opposed the unethical war on Iraq. It has been argued that his stand against the war was easy for him to make since he was not in the congress and thus didn't have to vote on the resolution, but he stood with many millions of other Americans and millions of people around the world against the war and spoke out vocally and consistently against it. In view of what has happened since his stand on the war is even more far sighted than first believed.
For a selection of speeches delivered by Dean go to: