The Senate debate on "President" Bush's overtime pay cuts will begin this week with a vote expected any day. This is the most important chance we've had to block the overtime pay cuts before they go into effect. We know you may have acted before, but PLEASE ACT AGAIN TODAY by clicking on the link below and sending a message to your U.S. senators asking them to support the Harkin Amendment that would block the Bush overtime pay cuts. It will only take a minute and will make a big difference.
The overtime pay cuts proposed by the Bush administration could take away overtime pay from at least 8 million workers. Overtime pay protections are the heart of the 40-hour workweek--and even the weekend. Without them, employers would have no reason to treat workers fairly--they could require longer and longer days without paying workers extra for their overtime hours. Click below to take action, or keep reading.
The Bush overtime pay take-away would save employers billions--right from workers' paychecks. They would allow employers to do almost anything they want by blurring the rules for overtime eligibility. One congressional study of the Bush overtime changes said they would allow employers to do almost anything.
The Bush administration changes could make large numbers of workers who have job-related training ineligible for overtime, for example. Health care, technical, computer, law enforcement, firefighting and skilled trades training could cost workers their right to overtime pay. This is completely outrageous and we need to stop it.
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Tell your friends, family and co-workers:
The overtime pay takeaway won't just hit workers in the pocket. According to the Economic Policy Institute, "The millions of employees who will see their pay reduced will, in all likelihood, see their hours of work increase at the same time. Once employers are not required to pay for overtime work, they will schedule more of it."
Tens of millions of working families depend on overtime pay. Please act today. ALREADY ACTED? PLEASE ACT AGAIN: SPREAD THE WORD!!!