1)"(insert candidate here) is the ONLY one who can beat Bush*!!!" Really? Can I borrow your time machine when you're done with it? I'd like to to know what my raise is going to be 14 months from now so I know whether I'll have the money for that new guitar I've had my eye on.
2)"(Insert candidate/pundit/politican here) is desperate and so very scared to death of (insert candidate here)!!!" No, that person just simply doesn't like your guy and he's going to insult and belittle him simply because he doesn't like him or because he disagrees with him and that's politics people. Applying amateur Freudian analysis to someone's political comments is the quickest way to get me to turn around and walk away. Show me your degree in pscyhology and maybe I'll take your assesement of someone's fragile mental and emotional state based on one or two statements seriously. Until then it just seems foolish.
3)"Oh woe is me......my candidate (insert candidate here) gets mercillesly bashed constantly on this board. Why must the candidates fight each other rather than attacking Bush. Now excuse me while I go start another thread about why (insert candidate here) sucks." People, if you're going to get pissed at someone for attacking a candidate and criticize them for doing so, at least wait until that thread and your post is pretty far gone before you go and do the same thing.
Sorry for the rant. But seeing this stuff over and over and over again ad nauseum is taking it's toll. I know I should just learn to ignore it but it's hard sometimes I admit.