My World has no democrats supporting the idea that lying America into a war was a good idea, or that spending more than a thousand dollars a second on the peace is a good idea. There is wiggle room for the "pro-war" camp unless they really believe the NeoCons.
In My World I don't see a democrat opposed to Homeland Security, although there are certainly some that think real security isn't created in an underfunded color coding bureaucracy, unless, of course, they support Bush's budget priorities.
In My World I don't see any democrats supporting the level of secrecy, mendacity, and infringement of civil rights except those that have succumbed to Rove's terror-fear rhetoric.
In My World the divisions between democrats are matters of degree unless you believe Bush, the NeoCons, or the Ashcroftian Right. But then I don't think people who support the ideas of those agents are democratic constituents.