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Poor Lieberman. He can't BUY respect

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CatWoman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 01:54 PM
Original message
Poor Lieberman. He can't BUY respect

Democrats happily dish out the boos

Sen. Joseph Lieberman got "scant applause" when he addressed the NAACP in Miami Beach on July 17 after earlier snubbing them.

By Howard Mortman

WASHINGTON, Sept. 2 — Last December, the New Yorker magazine ran a Joe Lieberman profile that said the Democratic senator from Connecticut “bears the scars of a happy childhood.” The story quoted Lieberman as saying, “I once took a college roommate home to Stamford and he said, ‘After meeting your parents, I have the feeling that they greeted you every morning with a standing ovation.’”
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liberalhistorian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 01:56 PM
Response to Original message
1. I just cannot wait for that holier-than-thou,
self-righteous, sanctimonious, out-of-touch, repuke-in-disguise to flame out during the first primaries and have to drop out!
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SCantiGOP Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 01:57 PM
Response to Original message
2. serves him right
I still love John Stewart's line. "What's Leiberman message? That he's the candidate for those who want to vote for Bush but worry that he's just not Jewish enough?"
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ulysses Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 01:58 PM
Response to Reply #2
:hi: Rusty!
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SCantiGOP Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 02:07 PM
Response to Reply #3
6. Hey, Uly
I haven't been around much lately-they've had me on the road.
Hello to you to, Catwoman. Let's get together in Hotlanta again soon to plot revolution and drink copiously.
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CatWoman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 02:08 PM
Response to Reply #6
8. I'M IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ulysses Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 02:08 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. somebody say "drink copiously"???
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ulysses Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 02:00 PM
Response to Original message
4. heh
During the AFL-CIO forum in Chicago last month, Lieberman “received boos and catcalls for endorsing school vouchers,” according to the Associated Press.

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Eloriel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 04:55 PM
Response to Reply #4
19. I saw that on TV
It was PATHETIC. As soon as they started booing, he castigated them in his whiney voice: "Nowwwwww, now, I'm going to speak the truth here. We should try this and see if it works." Trying to capitalize on Dean speaking the truth, no doubt. Trouble is, it only works when it's TRUE and RIGHT.
Lol. He was so pathetic.

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Kathy in Cambridge Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 02:06 PM
Response to Original message
5. I can't help but hear the author's condescending tone
toward the 'liberal activists' who boo Holy Joe.

I like that Jon Stewart comment-pretty much sums up Joe's support base!

It's funnt-a lot of the disruptors on our board as of late have used Joe's avatar. Coincidental, or not?

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SCantiGOP Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 02:09 PM
Response to Reply #5
10. maybe not coincidental
If I were a trueblue Republican, he would be my choice for the Democratic candidate. Don't forget that he's had a nickname for years as "the Senator from Allstate." Other than abortion and a few other social issues he could find a good home in the GOP.
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jiacinto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 05:24 PM
Response to Reply #5
28. Yep
You have to insult him because he's Jewish. Why else would you use the term "Holy Joe"? And it's shameful that people are allowed to make thinly veiled attacks on Lieberman because of his religion.
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TLM Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 05:35 PM
Response to Reply #28
33. He is called holy joe because

of his holier than thou demeanor and the fact he is very religious. It does not matter what religion he is super religious about, the point is that he is very religious to a fault. He is arrogant about it, like he’s buddies with god and all us unsaved masses are lucky to have him to guide us and show us what is good and holy and moral.

He’ll save us from those bad movies and violent video games and protect us from those sinful song lyrics.

But some people have to toss out the charge of anti-Semitism any time Lieberman is criticized. Frankly I’m surprised nobody accused the original poster of attacking Jews with the “buy respect” line.

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KG Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 05:38 PM
Response to Reply #33
35. nice try TLM
carlos isn't listening. he been told the reasons. he doesn't care. he's just doing his self-righteous act while defending a fellow conservative dem.
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jiacinto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 05:42 PM
Response to Reply #35
37. But Lieberman isn't a conservative
But it is obvious the facts matter little to you.

003 On the votes that the Conservative Index - The John Birch Society considered to be the most important in 2003, Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 30 percent of the time.

2002 On the votes that the The Eagle Forum considered to be the most important in 2002, Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 8 percent of the time.

2002 On the votes that the American Conservative Union considered to be the most important in 2002, Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 20 percent of the time.

2002 On the votes that the Conservative Index - The John Birch Society considered to be the most important in 2002, Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 5 percent of the time.

2001-2002 On the votes that the Christian Coalition considered to be the most important in 2001-2002 , Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 20 percent of the time.

2001-2002 On the votes that the Family Research Council considered to be the most important in 2001-2002, Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 22 percent of the time. (Due to the 49-51 split in the Senate, an insufficient number of votes were taken on issues of concern to warrant inclusion).

2001-2002 On the votes that the Campaign for Working Families considered to be the most important in 2001-2002, Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 20 percent of the time.

2001 On the votes that the Conservative Index - The John Birch Society considered to be the most important in 2001, Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 10 percent of the time.

2001 There is no evaluation available for Senator Lieberman from the group Family Research Council.

2001 On the votes that the American Conservative Union considered to be the most important in 2001, Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 28 percent of the time.

2001 On the votes that the Republican Liberty Caucus considered to be the most important in 2001, Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 23 percent of the time.

2000 On the votes that the American Conservative Union considered to be the most important in 2000, Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 20 percent of the time.

2000 On the votes that the Conservative Index - The John Birch Society considered to be the most important in 2000, Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 14 percent of the time.

2000 On the votes that the Liberty Lobby considered to be the most important in 2000, Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 100 percent of the time.

2000 On the votes that the Family Research Council considered to be the most important in 2000, Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 0 percent of the time.

2000 On the votes that the Republican Liberty Caucus considered to be the most important in 2000, Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 30 percent of the time.

1999-2000 On the votes that the Christian Coalition considered to be the most important in 1999-2000 , Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 15 percent of the time.

1999 On the votes that the Liberty Lobby considered to be the most important in 1999, Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 0 percent of the time.


So why do you keep being dishonest?
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TLM Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 05:57 PM
Response to Reply #37
49. SOrry but would that be the same holy joe

who braged about taking on hollywood?

The same holy joe who was leading the attacks on games like Doom and Postal?

The man is a censor happy religious zealot.

And even your stats have him voting for conservative issues %20-%30 of the time.

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jiacinto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 05:59 PM
Response to Reply #49
51. That doesn't make him conservative
Now, if he were gtting 70-80% of the time, then you would have a point.

But you are distorting his record.
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TLM Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 06:11 PM
Response to Reply #51
58. I disagree.... that like saying that to be a murderer...

you have to kill %100 of the people you meet.

Joe votes conservative %30 of the time... and that's just his voting record on the issues the conservative groups consider most important.

Look at the issues he speaks on and the organizations he supports. He is easily the most conservative guy running for the dem ticket.

He does have a good record on civil rights and some other issues, I'll grant him that. But when it comes to things like video games, movies, music, he is just another censor happy holy roller.
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jiacinto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 08:03 PM
Response to Reply #58
64. Fair enough
But I think his ACU rating is 20. To call him a right winger is patently dishonest, though.
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Gore1FL Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-03-03 06:43 AM
Response to Reply #37
80. Now what are other Democrats rated as?
It seems to me anyone who votes 30% of the time with John Birchers pretty much falls into "conservative" -- especially one from New England with a "D" by his name.
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jiacinto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 05:42 PM
Response to Reply #33
38. I think anti-semtism accounts for a lot of the opposition against
him here at DU.
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Kamika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 05:56 PM
Response to Reply #38
48. Really and what makes you say that?
Edited on Tue Sep-02-03 06:07 PM by Kamika
Im curious just Why do you say that?

Imo its the most stupid comment i ever read. Im sure we would dislike him just asmuch if he was christian trust me on that one

**edit to mods.. please i am ABSOLUTELY NOT racist towards jews or any kind of ppl** Thanks
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TLM Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 06:05 PM
Response to Reply #48
54. Anti-religion maybe, but not anti-jew.

I do not care what religion he is crazy zealot over. I care about the fact he is a crazy zealot about his religion.

I do not like crazy ass religious people running the country. I do not want people making life and death decisions for me, based on their belief that they're pals with god.

Just like I do not want evangelical Christians, who are pining for the war to bring on the rapture, making mid-east policy.

Leaders who let their devout religious views guide their decision making process, do not have a very good track record throughout history.
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jiacinto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 05:51 PM
Response to Reply #33
44. I think anti-semitism is behind the reason why many hate
him here at DU.
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ulysses Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 06:15 PM
Response to Reply #44
59. of course you do.
You can't accept that repeated postings of his ADA ratings don't make a lot of us forget things like his advocacy of school vouchers and his insistence on making religion primary in the public sphere - so the problem must be that he's Jewish.

It doesn't hurt that the anti-Semitism charge is a very pointed one to throw around in a leftist forum, huh?
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StandWatie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 07:11 PM
Response to Reply #59
61. oh yeah..
Edited on Tue Sep-02-03 07:11 PM by StandWatie
Do you ever get the feeling that his way of practicing negative campaigning for a real life politico career are the sound bytes he throws around here?
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Skittles Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 09:57 PM
Response to Reply #44
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jiacinto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 10:01 PM
Response to Reply #67
68. I am not saying it is everyone
But tell me something. Edwards, Kerry, and Gephardt all voted for the Iraq war. They all voted for the Patriot Act too. They also are all pro-Israel. But why is Lieberman singled out for ridicule when he shares the same positions that these people have?
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Tanketra Donating Member (122 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-03-03 01:51 AM
Response to Reply #68
77. Singled out??
You can find DOZENS of threads on DU that are basically nothing more than flame wars based on people refusing to accept Kerry as a candidate based on his Iraq vote. I'm pretty sure you've POSTED to a lot of those threads.

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Gore1FL Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-03-03 06:45 AM
Response to Reply #68
81. I'll happily ridicule Edwards, Kerry and Gephardt.
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Forkboy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 05:49 PM
Response to Reply #28
41. um...a little hint
Jon Stewart is jewish too.
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zekeson Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 02:07 PM
Response to Original message
7. He can't BUY respect. Nope
He needs to earn it from the Dems and he is a damn site off on that...
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Skittles Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 02:22 PM
Response to Original message
11. DOES HE HAVE ANY UPPER TEETH???????????????
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TLM Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 05:38 PM
Response to Reply #11
34. He looks like he is constipated...

Seriously… he looks like he hasn't had a good dump for years.
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IndianaGreen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-03-03 01:08 AM
Response to Reply #11
75. He has fangs!
Lieberman makes Kerry look like a radical leftist, that's how far off the Democratic mainstream Lieberman's positions are!
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Coffee Coyote Donating Member (949 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 02:23 PM
Response to Original message
12. R-E-S-P-E-C-T!!!!
Sock it to me sock it to me sock it to me..... :bounce:
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CatWoman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 02:26 PM
Response to Reply #12

Find out what it means to me


Take care , TCB
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Coffee Coyote Donating Member (949 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 02:34 PM
Response to Reply #13
14. just a little bit
just a little bit! *shakes hips, which offends Lieberman*
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Coffee Coyote Donating Member (949 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 02:43 PM
Response to Original message
15. they dish out the boos
and we dish out the booze! :D
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UnapologeticLiberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 02:52 PM
Response to Original message
16. In fairness
I thought the NAACP was being completely unfair in getting so outraged over him and Gephardt and Kucinich missing the forum. They were especially unfair to Kucinich, who was not there because he was here in Washington doing his job. And while I can understand why they were angry at Gephardt and Lieberman, who were not there because of the deal they had made with Kerry and Edwards to limit the number of forums they went to, I still think that to discount Lieberman's record in the civil rights movement and declare anything he says to be the "equivalent of Confederate capital" just because he missed a forum was a little unfair.

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Eloriel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 04:59 PM
Response to Reply #16
20. The problem is
Joe's record on the civil rights movement was 40 years ago!!!!! If he - or you -- thinks that does anything for African Americans today, you're wrong. Further, what it looked like was that he must've thought what he did back then was enough. It's not. The Dem party has been taking minorities and other key parts of their constituency for granted for decades now. And THEY are freakin' tired of it, and I'm freakin' tired of it FOR them.

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jiacinto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 05:18 PM
Response to Reply #20
25. Well civil rights groups apparently disagree with you
2002 On the votes that the Human Rights Campaign considered to be the most important in 2002, Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 100 percent of the time.

2002 Bsed on legislative votes, sponsorship of legislation not voted upon, and endorsements of special "dear colleague" letters that the Arab American Institute considered to be the most important in 2002, Senator Lieberman supported their preferred position 60 percent of the time.

2002 On the votes that the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda considered to be the most important in 2002, Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 91 percent of the time.

2001-2002 On the votes that the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People considered to be the most important in 2001-2002, Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 94 percent of the time.

2001-2002 On the votes that the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights considered to be the most important in 2001-2002, Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 100 percent of the time.

2001 On the votes that the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People considered to be the most important in 2001, Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 91 percent of the time.

2001 On the votes that the Human Rights Campaign considered to be the most important in 2001, Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 100 percent of the time.

2001 On the votes that the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda considered to be the most important in 2001, Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 91 percent of the time.

2000 On the votes that the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda considered to be the most important in 2000, Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 50 percent of the time.

2000 On the votes that the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People considered to be the most important in 2000, Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 100 percent of the time.

1999-2000 On the votes that the Human Rights Campaign considered to be the most important in 1999-2000, Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 100 percent of the time.

1999-2000 On the votes that the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights considered to be the most important in 1999-2000, Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 88 percent of the time.


So please stop being dishonest. And I am not even voting for Lieberman.

If the Democrats have done "nothing" for minorities, then please tell me why African-Americans, among other minorities, fared very well during the Clinton years? If they were doing "nothing" for minorities, why did African-American employment and home ownership rise to record highs?

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IndianaGreen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-03-03 01:10 AM
Response to Reply #20
76. And that was over one summer!
We are not voting today for the man Lieberman was 40 years ago, but for the man he is today. The same goes for Kerry, and for Arnold!
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jiacinto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 05:14 PM
Response to Reply #16
22. People are never fair to Lieberman
So why does it surprise you now?
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oasis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 06:08 PM
Response to Reply #16
55. I discount Charlton Heston's record in the civil rights movement as well.
Edited on Tue Sep-02-03 06:08 PM by oasis
What someone did 40 years ago doesn't make enabling Bush in 2003 a virtue.
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khashka Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 04:46 PM
Response to Original message
17. He can't buy any from me.
I'll never forgive him for signing onto that outrageous piece of Lynne (I Suck Satan Off In Hell) Cheney crap. Anybody else remember our Cowardly Veep's Wife's "unofficial" condemnation of "UnAmerican" college profs? Well, Soulless Joe was part of it. Just putting a little bit of pressure on a few unimportant educators who didn't swallow the whole party line. Nothing for anybody to worry about. Isn't Lieberman yiddish for McCarthy?
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SeanT Donating Member (49 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 04:49 PM
Response to Reply #17
18. well..
I hope the dem's don't get scared and nominate him :(
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khashka Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 05:14 PM
Response to Reply #18
23. I Know.....
Our Fearless Leaders (such as they are) aren't so Fearless - they seem to think that being Republican is the surest route to victory. So Soulless Joe may well get the nomination. I wouldn't be surprised - not after a definite popular victory and a very dubious legal defeat as Veep in the last election? He's definitely in place for it....

But once in a long while they pull through. They gave us Nancy Pelosi. And then we had weeks and weeks of how terible it was that she was a damn LIBERAL. But they actually chose right that time. I love Nancy - I know, I know she's the lucky scion of a political dynasty - the Kennedys made miniature. But I dealt with her personally in San Francisco and while politics is (sadly) a game and she's very good at playing it, she is truly committed to her beliefs - our beliefs. (Gods! I remember watching FOX News - she wouldn't agree to support the war and she wouldn't agree to fully denounce it either. What she said was that she did not have enough info to fully support it but she could not totally renounce the possibility that the info MIGHT exist that would lead her to agree with it. They said she was waffling, playing games with words, hedging her bets for political advantage. Knowing her I thought she was just telling the truth as she saw it at that time. I thought she was being honest. Maybe I'm naive.)

So maybe they'll pull through for us again. They could. Easily. But I won't be holding my breath. Like I said, maybe I'm naive - but I'm not that naive...
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jiacinto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 05:20 PM
Response to Reply #17
26. Again that issue has been debunked several times
Lieberman resigned from the group when he found out what the report actually said.


Letter to ACTA
by Joe Lieberman

Print this article
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Write to the editors
December 18, 2001

Jerry Martin
American Council of Trustees and Alumni
1726 M Street NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20036-4525

Dear Jerry:

I am writing in regards to the Council's recent report, Defending Civilization: How Our Universities Are Failing America and What Can Be Done About It.

In the past, the Council has often sent me advanced copies of its publications before they have been released and asked for my support. In this case, though, I was never given the opportunity to review the Defending Civilization report before it was made public. I first learned of it through a call to my office from a reporter in Connecticut about a controversy the report had stirred at Wesleyan University.

If I had been given an advanced copy, I would have objected to its content and methodology and asked you either to revise it or make clear that I had no involvement with it. But because that did not happen, and because I have been incorrectly listed on your website as a co-founder of the Council, a number of news accounts and commentaries have associated me with the report and incorrectly asserted or implied that I endorse it.

This letter is meant to set the record straight about my disapproval of this report, which I consider unfair and inconsistent for an organization devoted to promoting academic freedom. To avoid any future confusion, I would ask you to remove any reference to me as a "co-founder" of ACTA from your website or other Council documents. And I would ask that you note in any future public statements that I do not support this specific report. Thank you.

Joe Lieberman

Another distortion on the part of the far left here.
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jiacinto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 05:22 PM
Response to Reply #26
27. I am not a Lieberman supporter
But it is quite sad the lengths that some people will go to lie and distort his record. I am not supporting him for president, but you all should be ashamed of yourselves. It is obvious that many of you dislike Lieberman for reasons that have nothing to do with his politics.
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Gore1FL Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-03-03 06:52 AM
Response to Reply #27
82. Oh bullshit
Is it distorting his record to say he sucked off Bush in the Iraq war effort and is still polishing his knob to this day about it?

What about tax cuts?

Come on and be realistic. He is running on a "I supported the president on everything" platform and cannot figure out why he is languishing at the bottom of the polls.
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Q Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 05:25 PM
Response to Reply #26
31. Don't agree with jiacinto...
...then you're FAR LEFT.

- I can't speak for anyone else...but I'm growing a bit tired of you calling other posters such things as 'extremists' and 'far left'. It's insulting and demeaning and should be beneath a Democrat.
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Forkboy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 05:50 PM
Response to Reply #31
43. Dont worry
Carlos will be a repub by 35.
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jiacinto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 06:04 PM
Response to Reply #43
53. I disagree on that point
I won't ever be a Republican.
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Forkboy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 06:08 PM
Response to Reply #53
56. I dont know Carlos
you seem to be already sound like one to me far too often.And you're already a master at marginalizing the left.Many of your comments would fit right in on Fox.
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jiacinto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 06:10 PM
Response to Reply #56
57. My right wing friends would strongly disagree
Only at DU would I be considered conservative.
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Forkboy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 06:45 PM
Response to Reply #57
60. Dont be so sure it would only be on DU
Edited on Tue Sep-02-03 06:47 PM by Forkboy
and the fact that you even can "my right wing friends" says much.
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Terwilliger Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-03-03 10:59 AM
Response to Reply #57
84. Dianne Feinstein is considered are left-wing radical in some places
that doesn't make her anything other than the muddle centrist she is
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khashka Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 11:42 PM
Response to Reply #26
71. Fine I'll Recant
If we can trust The Nation (and I'm willing to) and Soulless Joe's letter (and I'll give him the benefit of the doubt) then he climbs a notch higher on the ladder. And I'll get down on my knees and beg for forgiveness for condemning him to the same circle of hell where Lynne Devilspawn Cheney dwells. I abase myself.

But he's still a damn warmongering wannabe Republican turncoat SOB. And I'd vote for Bush before I'd waste ink on Joe. At least Bush admits he's the enemy.
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oasis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 05:00 PM
Response to Original message
21. I'm passing up my third consecutive opportunity to bash Joe.
The temptation is starting to become unbearable.
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khashka Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 05:16 PM
Response to Reply #21
24. Give In...
Temptation is merely an opportunity too good to pass up. You know you'll regret it if you don't.

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oasis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 05:24 PM
Response to Reply #24
29. Mmmmmust...bash ...Joooe ......mmmust bash Joooe.
Edited on Tue Sep-02-03 05:25 PM by oasis
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sendero Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-03-03 07:20 AM
Response to Reply #21
83. yeah, me too.
It isn't easy - but what's the point. His candidacy is going nowhere, we know it and he knows it.

I've got nothing against him, but I definitely cannot see him taking on Bush* and winning. Bush* would trounce him.
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jiacinto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 05:25 PM
Response to Original message
30.  I am not a Lieberman supporter
But it is quite sad the lengths that some people will go to lie and distort his record. I am not supporting him for president, but you all should be ashamed of yourselves. It is obvious that many of you dislike Lieberman for reasons that have nothing to do with his politics.
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KG Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 05:26 PM
Response to Reply #30
32. why are you spamming this thread?
Edited on Tue Sep-02-03 05:32 PM by KG
why, when you have so little to say, do you say it multiple times?

your constant defense of joey is starting to look like worship. is he a god that can do no wrong? :)
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jiacinto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 05:40 PM
Response to Reply #32
36. What it really is about
You are intolerant of opinions that don't agree with yours.
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KG Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 05:47 PM
Response to Reply #36
40. please
i'm intolerant, so that's why you are doing your little spamming act?
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jiacinto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 05:55 PM
Response to Reply #40
47. You only call it spam
because it is a viewpoint you disagree with. Period.

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KG Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 05:59 PM
Response to Reply #47
50. i call it spam, cause thats what it is
it's obvious your multiple posting of the same thing is an effort to shout down viewpoints you disagree with.

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jiacinto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 06:00 PM
Response to Reply #50
52. You just don't want to hear info about Lieberman that
contradicts your biased view against him.
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Isere Donating Member (920 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 07:19 PM
Response to Reply #52
62. Thank you for speaking out in support of Lieberman
He isn't my candidate either, but the trashing of him that one sees in these forums is really over the top. You would think he was Tom DeLay or Trent Lott the way people carry on about him.

Thank you for supplying information on his actual record.

I will support Lieberman wholeheartedly if he is the nominee.

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jiacinto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 08:03 PM
Response to Reply #62
63. I do it because people attack him unfairly
The trashing he receives in this forum is completely unfair.
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CatWoman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 08:19 PM
Response to Reply #63
65. Lieberman sucks rotten eggs
he a traitor, a Bush apologist, a right-wing enabler and a liar.

Oh, wait: he's Jewish too :eyes:
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salmonhorse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-03-03 12:23 PM
Response to Reply #65
85. His oratory sounds like it has constipation ~
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CatWoman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 05:49 PM
Response to Reply #36
42. Carlos
come into the light.........................
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Forkboy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 05:52 PM
Response to Reply #36
46. do you even own a mirror?
You are intolerant of opinions that don't agree with yours.

Yes Carlos,you're a shining example of tolerance for people you dont agree with :eyes:

Keep it up,I'd like more and more DUers to see your hypocrisy.
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oasis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 05:52 PM
Response to Reply #30
45. "..obvious that ... you dislike Lieberman...nothing to do with politics"
What is obvious? Is there a subliminal undercurrent to this thread?
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PretzelzRule Donating Member (402 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 10:32 PM
Response to Reply #30
69. Repeat yourself much?
First Post #27, now Post #30...same thing.

"I am not supporting him for president, but you all should be ashamed of yourselves. It is obvious that many of you dislike Lieberman for reasons that have nothing to do with his politics."

And I and many others sure as hell don't need to be scolded by the likes of you! "Many of us" dislike Lieberman based on the positions he takes and it has nothing the hell whatsoever to do with his religion, so stop painting everyone with such a broad brush, please.
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Media_Lies_Daily Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 05:45 PM
Response to Original message
39. Anyone that pushed the current war in the Middle East as heavily as...
...Joe did, doesn't deserve any respect whatsoever.

I'd like to think that the man is smart enough to have checked his own sources about the stories being presented to the American public by the Bushies about Iraq being the source of Al Qaeda funding. But, he either ignored the information from his sources that Iraq was NOT the funder of Al Qaeda, or his sources were the same sources supplying information to the Bushies...namely the British and Israeli intelligence services.
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opihimoimoi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 09:47 PM
Response to Reply #39
66. Joe has to EARN it first.
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fujiyama Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-02-03 11:22 PM
Response to Original message
70. anyone here...
Edited on Tue Sep-02-03 11:24 PM by fujiyama
ever notice that he looks a lot like senator palpatine from the star wars prequels (ep 1 and 2)?

lieberman's a pathetic candidate. while i'm probly moderate compared to most of the people on du (and don't have the visceral hatred for him as do many others here), the first poster on this thread gets him right -- sancitmonious with little charisma, and always bashing the base of the's unfortunate because he actually was one of the freedom riders during the civil rights movement...his record still is pretty good (there are southern dems with far worse records) but he still doesnt understand the anger aganst bush within the base...

and i dont think most people here care about the fct that hes jewish...its his attitude toward nonreligious people that irks many liberals who are usually not religious.

plus hes a little to close to the corporate wing (much closer than kerry for example)...
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khashka Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-03-03 12:35 AM
Response to Reply #70
72. Two really good points....
1. The civil righs issue. All kudos to Joe for that. And I honestly believe that the Jews have not been given the credit that they earned for being in the forefront of the civil rights movement.
But in an individual case how long should gratitude last? Should we laud someone for what they did or said 40 years ago and forget what they did or said six months ago? Maybe? I don't really know. The answer may seem obvious but it's a pretty tough call, I think.

2. The Jewish issue. I think you are both right and wrong. I don't really think anybody here cares that much one way or the other. I'm ethnically Jewish but religiosly Pagan... so I end up in his category of nonreligious. But I can respect his devoutness. But I think he's a bad candidate on that alone. It's the Catholic thing with Kennedy all over again, but multiplied. I was shocked during the last election by how many people I spoke to who saw his religion and his belief as a handicap in an elected official! Most often in people who considered themselves to be also devoutly religious. I mean somehow Israel has mangaged against all odds to survive for decades with religiously observant Jews running the show. And could we possibly electa nonXtian as a leader? I don't think so. As much as I wish it were not true I think his religion would lose him votes.
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burr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-03-03 12:44 AM
Response to Original message
73. Strong and noble joe...
I've posted this before, but now you too can make a democratic donkey. Money can get you respect!


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Zhade Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-03-03 04:29 AM
Response to Reply #73
79. Hehe
It kinda looks more like a rhino. Weird! :)

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salmonhorse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-03-03 01:03 AM
Response to Original message
74. Although he has tried to curry respect: dirt simple ~
"Our own two U.S. Senators have participated in this deregulation of our economy and have acted as enablers to those who want to deregulate and privatize our society. Joe Lieberman, who Ralph Nader has described as a senator "who has not seen a weapons system, an insurance company, or a drug company he doesn't like", is a case in point. In the early 1990's Lieberman lead the charge to prevent the Federal Accounting Standards Board (FASB) from instituting proper accounting of stock options. One of the ways Enron and other corporations are overstating their profits is by not including the stock options that they issue to their top executives against their profits. These stock options do not show up as a cost on a corporation's financial statements. Lieberman with the support of big corporations prevented the FASB from implementing this change. Enron and other corporations used this accounting practice to deceive investors and employees."

At least in my humble opinion having not two figs to do with anti semitism as alluded to above...
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Terwilliger Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-03-03 04:14 AM
Response to Original message
78. Thank you, Joe, for always supporting the left you now despise

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