I see a great many Americans that refuse to come to grips with the fact that we invaded and dessimated an entire country on the pretense we were in "imminent" danger. This translated to them: OMG, the mall might be unsafe, you mean I might have to cancel my flight to Disneyland and what if the electricity were to go out, I'd miss an episode of American Idol. So then we go to war, somebody explain to me, how can you have a war and not see a dead body? Oh yeah, I remember we had embedded journalists under the watch of the military, reporting to the corporate owned mass media, that's right. Oh, and Rumsfeld told us we had "precision bombs" that only killed the bad guys, if there were heavy civilian casualities, wouldn't that have been reported on the news? They have an excuse in the form of an answer for everthing, the economy is Clinton's fault, the WMD were moved, we did the right thing getting rid of Suddamn, yada,yada,yada. Many of these people will never go outside themselves and come to terms with what is really going on in this country, much less the world, that would take them out of their comfort zone and they can't handle that. They continue to wave their flag, clean their guns and get their news from Faux and meanwhile the body count rises in Iraq.