My trip to Chicago was not about politics but one of my occasional visists (at least twice a year) to my old hometown. ..its more about exploring the neighborhoods, stocking up on food I cant get in Ohio, and checking out musuems and doing some shopping...(this time I also went to the "Taste of Polonia" up at the Copernicus Center at Lawrence & Milwaulkee).
Well, me and my partner decided to get a brief fix of urban bohemia by checking out the the Belmont/Clark/Halstead area, including the gay district on Halstead between Belmont and Addison Avenues.
We took the L to the Belmont stop and after leaving the station had our first political encounter....some guy was handing out flyers for the Kucinich campaign. ..entitled "Dennis Kucinich: The Progressive Vision".
Then, later, we stopped off at 'Side Track" (I think thats what it was called)..this very sharp gay "video bar". At the entrance there was what looked like a chalboard or marker board that said that the bar was the site of the "Dean Meet-Up" (I guess for gay Dean supporters).
So, at least in this Belmont/Halstead neighborhood, it looks like Dean has some support, and it looks like at least one guy is spreading the word on Kucinich.