Edited on Tue Sep-02-03 06:16 PM by happyslug
And had to turn it off within five minutes, the lies were to much. For example the show said that only two Pinkerton agents ever killed a labor workers in the 1800s. That is an out and out lie. Now only two Pinkerton Agents were ever charged that is because if an Agent killed a worker the first thing the Pinkertons did was ship the Agent out of that state and than refused to give his name to the Authorities (and NEVER to the Labor union the person paying them where in Conflict with). This prohibited any indictments for you have to indict a Person NOT someone you do not know. Furthermore the Pinkertons had the practice of importing agents from other states to do the dirty work of Labor Suppression. This helped in avoiding arrest for the Agent who did the killing just went home (which was almost always out of state).
The second lie was that by 1900 the Pinkerton has voluntarily withdrawn from anti-Labor activities. Another lie, the Pinkertons withdrew for most states adopted laws that required any sheriff deputy, law enforcement officer or Private Detective to have been a resident of that state for one year or longer. This law was first passed In Pennsylvania after the Homestead Strike of 1892 where the Pinkertons had tried to re-take the Homestead Works but was prevented do to the actions of the Strikers. The Pinkertons claimed their had been deputies by the Allegheny County Sheriff and thus the resistence was against law enforcement officers. The Strikers pointed out the Sheriff claimed he had NOT deputized the Pinkertons and thus any fight was a fight between citizens NOT a fight against law enforcement officers.
Given the position of the Sheriff the Court were reluctant to go after the strikers and given the power of Frick, Carnegie and the Pinkertons the Courts did not want to go after the Pinkertons so the whole incident lead to no legal action against anyone (Some of the Union Bosses were indicted but the cases were either dropped or the Jury acquitted. Please note I am referring only to the Pinkertons involvement in the Homestead strike, the Strike itself lead to claims and cross-claims of Murder, attempted Murder that lasted for years in the Allegheny County Courts).
Do to this "confusion" as to the legal status of the Pinkertons at Homestead, the Pennsylvania Legislature adopted the one year rule, and is still the rule in Pa and other states. It was do to the adoption of this law that the Pinkertons removed themselves from Strike Breaking. Thus the reason the Pinkertons left the Strike Breaking business was that their style of Strike Breaking was made out lawful and the Pinkertons first preference was always to do as people pay them to do NOT to obey the law.
No “Fair and Balance” review of the History of the Pinkertons could ignore that history. I did not last long enough into the program to see if they took credit for having the first head of the Department of Treasury’s Bureau of Investigation (Burns, who later founded Burns Detective Agency) and the Bureau’s second head (J. Edgar Hoover, who changed the name to the “Federal Bureau of Investigation” i.e. the FBI).
And I did not see how the show addressed (if their addressed it) the Pinkerton’s attempted bombing of the Jessie and Frank James. In that bombing the Pinkertons went to the James boy’s Mother’s house and believing that the both Jessie and Frank were in the house threw a bomb into the house. The James boys’s mother was in the house along with their nine year old half brother. One moment it was a peaceful sunny day, the next thing the house was blown apart. No warning had been given, the bomb was just thrown in. The Pinkertons would later claim that they did not give a warning for their feared that the James Boys would run out of the house and escape. Instead a nine year old child was killed and a middle age women had her one side blown to bits.
Does this sound familiar? Could the Pinkerton of the 1800s still live today? In Ruby Ridge the FBI did admit that the orders of engagement violated the US Constitution (i.e. orders to shoot to kill). Like the Pinkerton’s bombing of the James Boys, no one went to jail in that murder either.
I doubt any of this was addressed in that show, and that is the basis of the what my niece calls the "World War Bore" channel. Addressing things like the above would be interesting but the History Channel tends to avoid anything that corporate America might object to.