They're not being talked about in the 'liberal' media, that's for sure.
In fact, this story has been given short shrift while the Ministry of Propaganda provides such helpful distractions as:
-Arnold Schwarzennegger. Did he really say that?
-Judge Roy Moore and 300 or so bigots and fools. It's a rock, for crying out loud. 24/7 coverage.
-Madonna kisses Britney and Christina. So what?
-Laci Peterson. 'Nuff said.
Now, it's fair to say that there has been at least some coverage of the deaths of soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Keeping this number as low and as understated as possible is the goal of the pResident and most of the complicit Congress.
But what of the wounded? They have lost limbs; they have been disfigured, they have been blinded. Even for those who on the surface appear unscathed, many will suffer psychologically for the rest of their lives. America remains blissfully unaware. What time does the game start?
Going forward, we know from experience that many veterans who return from the horrors of war will never be the same. Our government will do everything in its power to minimize, marginalize and otherwise diminish their plight. Many will be tomorrow's homeless. Many will be abusers and abused citizens. For believing their government, they shall be so rewarded. So shall their families and our society. How will their families be provided for? What is a life worth to our government? Is this the price we are willing to pay for the enrichment of the wealthy few?
To highlight my point, I provide the following...
Exhibit A:
Number of Wounded in Action on Rise
Iraq Toll Reflects Medical Advances, Resistance Troops Face
By Vernon Loeb
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, September 2, 2003; Page A01
U.S. battlefield casualties in Iraq are increasing dramatically in the face of continued attacks by remnants of Saddam Hussein's
military and other forces, with almost 10 American troops a day now being officially declared "wounded in action."
The number of those wounded in action, which totals
1,124 since the war began in March, has grown so
large, and attacks have become so commonplace, that
U.S. Central Command usually issues news releases
listing injuries only when the attacks kill one or more
troops. The result is that many injuries go unreported. The rising number and quickening pace of soldiers
being wounded on the battlefield have been
overshadowed by the number of troops killed since
President Bush declared an end to major combat
operations May 1. But alongside those Americans
killed in action, an even greater toll of battlefield
wounded continues unabated, with an increasing
number being injured through small-arms fire,
rocket-propelled grenades, remote-controlled mines and
what the Pentagon refers to as "improvised explosive
Indeed, the number of troops wounded in action in Iraq
is now more than twice that of the Persian Gulf War in
The total increased more than 35 percent in
August -- with an average of almost 10 troops a day
injured last month. Washington Post, September 2, 2003 B:
War casualties overflow
Walter Reed hospital
By Jon Ward
Officials at Walter Reed Army Medical Center are
referring some outpatients to nearby hotels because
casualties from operations in Afghanistan and Iraq have
overloaded the hospital's convalescence facility. "We have an informal agreement with any number of
hotels in the area. If we come to this point, they will take
for us," said Walter Reed spokesman Jim
Stueve. "They're very supportive and cooperative when
we need that assistance." -Washington Times, August 4, 2003
Exhibit C:
Death marches at double in Iraq but US public
By Julian Borger in Washington
August 5, 2003
United States military casualties in Iraq are running at more than twice the number most
Americans have been led to believe they are. The public is largely unaware of a high number
of accidents, suicides and other non-combat deaths.
...unofficial figures put the total in the thousands. Many of the wounded have lost limbs."
source: (from almost one month ago)
We deserve better than this. American lives are being ruined at a frightening pace, and the loss of civilian lives and limbs in Iraq and Afghanistan are not even taken into account here.
I'm writing my congressman and senators today to demand an accounting from the *Bush Administration for these wounded. Those of us who have been around long enough to remember the lies of Viet Nam should know that if we do not hold this Radical Right contingent of chickenhawks accountable, the lives and livelihood of our young people will have been lost in vain.
Wanna support the troops? Bring them home!