you can see from my link, the english language version of the Al Jazeera website is up and running.
If you've read Greg Palast's book - The Best Democracy Money Can Buy- you already know about the Florida voter registration rolls that were purged of mostly black democratic voters. Let me introduce you to the next block of voters to be purged - the Muslim population.
I'd say its a safe bet that 1 million potential democratic voters are in the process of being created, with the treatment the Arab community has been receiving from Bush and co.
Stands to reason that if Diebold and Bush have their way, a consolidfation of the voting rolls would take place making it easier for the elections officials to purge the rolls of anyone who is either black, a democrat, or both and/or someone whose name sounds something like Mohammad Hussein Al Ahkbar.
Do I have proof? No. Do I trust them? No.