Kerry is being nailed for a double standard.
Renew Deal
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Tue Sep-02-03 08:48 PM
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Kerry is being nailed for a double standard. |
Monica Crowley from WABC is saying that Kerry is a hypocrite for announcing in front of an aircraft carrier.
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Tue Sep-02-03 08:58 PM
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1. Of course we all care what Monica Crowley thinks. |
If she says she believes there isn't a difference between what Kerry did and what Bush did, she is a bigger liar than her hero, Richard Nixon.
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Wed Sep-03-03 03:09 PM
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5. HAHAH...they can't STAND the truth about Bush |
and they know if Kerry is the nominee the entire GOP contingent of chickenhawks will BECOME an issue. Max Cleland is sure doing his best, and bringing in plenty of military folks to push the cause. Kerry's campaign will be the Max Cleland Revenge Tour 2004.
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Tue Sep-02-03 09:04 PM
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OH THAT'S F***ING RICH. Kerry = WAR HERO; DUBYA = AWOL COWARD and she doesn't know the f***ing difference? Oh that's right, because she's a MEDIA WHORE. :puke:
David Zephyr
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Tue Sep-02-03 09:05 PM
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3. This Only Confirms That It Was A Good Move By Kerry. |
They can't stand it if a Democrat waves the flag.
It drives them nuttttttttz.
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Wed Sep-03-03 03:15 PM
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Yep. Kerry's now activated the self destruct mechanism of the Rove illusion.
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Tue Sep-02-03 09:07 PM
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I don't think so.
That's like saying Gore was "nailed" for claiming he invented the Internet. :-)
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Wed Sep-03-03 03:11 PM
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6. Why would she claim this? |
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Wed Sep-03-03 09:48 PM
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8. Some people just throw anything they can think of |
and hope something sticks. It's being done a lot these days.
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Wed Sep-03-03 09:51 PM
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9. truth about bush's service |
did she compare and contrast what kerry and bush did during the vietnam war ?
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Wed Sep-03-03 09:52 PM
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10. is monica crowley and candy crowley of cnn related ? |
i would not be surprised if they were.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:08 AM
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