Iraq situation. He was for the invasion.
I would like to express my opinion on sending more troops to Iraq. Halliburton is making a fortune in Iraq. Carlyle Group is making a fortune with the wars and that fortune is going into the Bush pocket. I have no doubt that a lotmof that Hallibuton's money will be flowing into the pockets of Bush, Cheny, and the republican party. I see no reason why we the tax payers should have to support this. I see no reason why American troops have to loose their lives to support this. This invasion is so criminal it's unbelievable. You and I both know the US will not pull out until the oil wells are owed by US companies. And probably the water, electricity, and whatever else is saleable in Iraq. Instead the government should send in the repulicans to get shot at. And send the bill to the republican party.