...and then there will be bad days.
"Could this be the beginning of the end for these bastards? Or will the Teflon cowboy and his henchmen ride this storm out like they have so many times before?"
If I had a nickel for every DU post about how this time it is finally the beginning of the end for Bush, well, I'd have a lot of nickels.
Every President has up days, and down days. The opposition has up days, and down days as well.
The problem is, too many people on this forum think that if the press gets tough with the Bush administration for a couple days that it means the media "finally gets it", or that "the worm has turned" or even more hysterically that the "corporate masters have turned on Bush". It is all ridiculous. The media doesn't get anything. They report stories, get a bug up their ass to chase a lead or theme for a week or so - and then inevitably get bored with it...especially if said story does not improve their ratings. I really think many of the forum members here have created for themselves wrongheaded beliefs about the media, who it consists of and how it really operates.
"I want the remainder of Bush’s term to be marred by failure and abject humiliation and capped off by a resounding landslide defeat."
Well, we all hope for that, but don't hold your breath. The media may go after Bush for awhile, but don't get too excited because the press will be all too happy to turn their sights on whomever our Dem nominee is come primary season and beyond. That is what the media does, that's what it always does. If there is no story, the media will attempt to create one. If Bush is the underdog in 04', the media will give him favorable press to make the election coverage more exciting. If our Dem nominee is trailing badly in the polls, the media will be more critical of Bush to try to create the impression that Jr. can be beaten so we should all stay tuned. All this to get ratings and ad revenue. No conspiracy, just the press being the press.
"The Iraq disaster and the god-awful economy are merging into one ugly shitstorm for the White House."
I doubt it. Perhaps Iraq may be getting tricky for the Bush administration just now, but the economy? Other than unemployment, it appears to me that the overall economy is beginning to improve. And if the labor market strengthens anytime soon, Bush will actually have the economy as a net positive. Oh I know, most will disagree with me on that, but either way, lets just say if Iraq and the economy don't get too much worse then Bush could overcome either of these.
"I want the entire corporatist/Bushist/GOP project to be delegitimized painfully and slowly for the entire country to see. Is that possible?"
Anything is possible, but it ain't likely. It is going to be very tough to beat Bush in 04'. I suspect it will be a very close election. Despite all the anecdotal evidence to the contrary posted in General Discussion each day, Bush really does have around 50% of the country supporting him.
"But I had this same feeling during the SOTU-Niger hoax."
And probably the same feeling when ENRON was breaking, and then the entire BUSH KNEW saga, and the Cheney energy papers, etc, etc..
Your expectations are too high. The media will NEVER stay with one of these stories for long unless their is obvious provable evidence of criminal wrongdoing by Bush or Cheney themselves. Otherwise, the press will lose interest and the stories will burn out. Never forget, there are always shark attacks to be covered.
"It seemed—to me at least—that the jig was up for BushCo. Impeachment actually seemed possible."
How so? The Republicans will never allow any Articles of Impeachment to go anywhere in the House? The only way there is even the slightest chance of impeachment is if Bush wins in 04' and the Democrats take over Congress. Even then it is unlikely.
"Surely the majority of Americans have awakened from their idiotic slumbers by now. Right?"
Don't count on it. And perhaps it isn't an idiotic slumber? Maybe, just maybe, we have not done a good job making a case for what we stand for. If our candidates can not give Americans good reasons to vote FOR us, well, we are going to be hard pressed to beat Bush. Don't count on the media for much help.