Nearly 40,000 of America's Frontline Soldiers are Not US Citizens
"Many of the troops on duty in Iraq do not count English as their first language and would prefer to take orders in their native tongue...usually Spanish. The revelation has prompted British MP George Galloway, one of the fiercest critics of the invasion of Iraq, to accuse the US of using its 'green card' troops as cannon fodder. Galloway went on to attack the US policy of putting its poor minorities and non-citizens in the frontline of its foreign wars.... The statistics, buried by White House spin doctors, reveal that a significant minority of troops fighting under the US banner are not in fact US citizens but residents hoping to speed up their citizenship. Galloway said that this was typical of a government used to having the marginalised fight its battles. 'Nothing has changed since that last failed attempt to invade and determine the future of another country, Vietnam,' he told from his holiday villa in Portugal
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