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Watch Out Everyone!

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djsperduti Donating Member (22 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-03-03 06:16 PM
Original message
Watch Out Everyone!
Yes,  things are really starting to look down for ChimpCo.
But let us not forget what these monsters do when they want
their domino's to fall back in place.  As the fist slammed
down on 
the table on Sept 11th 2001 and all the sheeple got right back
in line.  This same feel is starting to get back in the air

When fascists get desparate, they do the
We have over a year to go before the elections,  they have
time.  I don't want to sound like gloom and doom,  but lets
not forget who these nut cases are that are running the show,
right now, as we speak.

Heavens......I hope I am totally wrong!
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AndyTiedye Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-03-03 07:19 PM
Response to Original message
1. The Upcoming New Product Introduction May Have Been Delayed...
Edited on Wed Sep-03-03 07:20 PM by AndyTiedye
...due to the recent stay on the FCC's decision.
They had planned to obtain control of the remaining media this week.

The media campain for this type of product requires nonstop promotion on all outlets, without any distractions from dissenting views.
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liberalmuse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-03-03 07:19 PM
Response to Original message
2. I don't doubt what you say!
Because those are my thoughts, exactly (and I'm sure many DUers are thinking the same thing). They have nothing else. I would think they would try a bio/chem-scare this time, since it is unlikely they would have the balls to allow bin Laden to bomb another U.S. target, since they know people are watching more closely this time. Maybe they'll release a virus, like small pox, or it will be a sarin or some other gas attack in some prominent part of a city. It would have to be something dramatic, with, at the very least, several hundred deaths to put the scare back into the American people. Once again, I hate being so cynical, but you have to keep on your toes with these bastards. It would have to be done in such a way that they would be able to get away with implementing the draft. They would say they needed more NG and Army Reserve for the states, as well. This way, they could get more troops for Iraq, and the rest of their PNAC agenda. I hope my imagination is merely running wild, and this is not at all what they would be planning.
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