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Bush Crime Family S.O.P. — Use a Patsy

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Octafish Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-03-03 09:48 PM
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Bush Crime Family S.O.P. — Use a Patsy
Free History

Strange how history repeats itself when it comes to the Bush Organized Crime Family. This can be seen in their typical modus operandi. Whenever they need something REALLY important to happen — like a big promotion at work, say — something REALLY coincidental and violent seems to happen to just the right person (or country) at the right time. What’s ironic, the right person often seems to be a former business partner or their close relative.

First case in point, John Hinckley, A/K/A “Jody,” short for “JF: Wherever You Are Staring at Me.” A confused young man decides to win the heart of Hollywood star Jody Foster by assassinating Old Pruneface himself, Ronald Reagan just a few months after taking the oath of office in 1981. Turns out that the lone gunman du jour also was the son of a longtime family friend of the Bushes. In fact, Neil Bush had been invited to dinner at the home of Scott Hinckley, brother John Hinckley. The dinner engagement was scheduled to take place the day after John Hinckley attempted to take out Geritol Monkeyskull. Synchronistic isn’t the word when describing how the Bushes seem to do business and then turn on people who once were their friends. Describing their anguish, the Hinckley brothers’ parents later told CNN's Larry King they were casual business partners, longtime social acquaintances, and political supporters of the guy who came within an inch of going straight into the Oval Office — Vice President George Herbert Walker Bush.

Second case in point, Saddam Hussein, A/K/A “The Butcher of Union Bank of Switzerland.” For years, Iraq sided with the wrong side of the Iron Curtain. And since the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, Iraq was considered a terrorist state. Then, in the early 1980s, the country’s leader, longtime CIA stooge, Saddam Hussein, launched an invasion on neighboring Iran. All was happy in the Reagan-BUSH White House as the war between two of America’s enemies claimed more than a million lives. But, again, there was money to be made, so the White House arranged for the American taxpayers to guarantee $5 billion in loan guarantees to Saddam, using agricultural credits greased out of the country through an obscure Atlanta bank branch of an Italian national bank, the Banco Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL). The loans ostensibly were for food, but in reality were used to trade for arms, like the war chemicals Rumsfeld helped deliver. Of course, at the same time, Ollie North and the US were sending spare F-4 and Hawk missile parts to Iran in trade for hostages. Besides the millions of dead and wounded, the war ended in stalemate, but the US arms manufacturers and their salesmen in the Middle-East did all right. A few years later, a business opportunity presented itself when Kuwait started ripping off Iraqi oil by slant-drilling and Saddam went through the palace roof. Not to be calmed down, Saddam (whose name means “He Who Pushes to Oppose” in Arabic) was encouraged in 1991 by US Ambassador April Glaspie (“The US takes no position on Arab-Arab border disputes.”) to go over the line and into Kuwait. This was followed by Gulf War One to liberate the fascist Kuwaiti Oiligarchy and the rest is history leading to the mess of today. Ambassador Glaspie later testified she was ordered to say so by the State Department, which of course, operated under the direction of President George Herbert Walker Bush.

Third case in point, Manuel Noriega, A/K/A “Pineapple Face.” For years, as second banana, Manny collected payola from the CIA to watch over his boss, Trujillo. The US was worried they would steal the Panama Canal, publicly, but wanted to know where all the drug money was going, secretly. So, like any good capitalist, Manny took advantage of his situation and put some sand in Trujillo’s aviation fuel and became the new supreme leader. Of course, he also played all sides against the others and got very rich in the process, using the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) to handle the proceeds from the CIA and the drug runners. Interesting bank of great importance to the Bush Organized Crime Family and all its connections the late Danny Casolaro called “The Octopus.” BCCI was the bank that tied Middle East oil money investors, the Bush Organized Crime Family Trifecta of Trifectas, international drug running and money laundering, international terrorism from Abu Nidhal to Ollie North, the KGB and the CIA, and of course Manuel Noriega. All was well and good until Manny opened his yap and said that he’d never be indicted by the US, because he had the goods on his good friend and business partner, US Vice President George Herbert Walker Bush.

Fourth case in point, Osama bin Laden, A/K/A “The Black Sheep.” For years, the Bush Family was close business partners with the House of bin Laden. It was a natural fit — all that oil money to burn, all those American weapons to buy. Klayman of Judicial Watch claims the Bushes stay over at the bin Ladens’ house when in the Kingdom. As they own the largest construction company in the whole Middle East, it’s a good bet the place has good central A/C. All was well until the Soviets decided to liberate Afghanistan. So throughout the 1980s, son Osama bin Laden, recruited by the CIA, took the lead of a faction fighting the Soviet occupation. Of course, no one knew what to do when they won and suddenly there were all these trained well-armed and fanatically angry religious militants after peace broke out, but hey, someone will figure out something. First, there was money to be made in West Texas and George W Bush needed some seed money and nose candy allowance. James R Bath, Bush TANG buddy became the official business rep for the bin Laden family in the entire US. He invested bin Laden cash in Arbusto Oil and HARKEN Energy and wherever else W needed some grease. Things went well, all in all. And then came 9-11 and Osama became Public Enemy Number One, at the behest of now (p)Resident George Walker Bush.

Now, is the pattern clear? For the denser DU trolls, allow me: The Bush Organized Crime Family — the very axis of American history embodying NAZIs, the Mafia, the CIA, anti-Castro Cubans, pro-Shah Iranians, anti-Communists the world over — makes friends with someone of use and then uses them for their nefarious purposes. After they’re done using up whatever talents, skills, or cash their chums once presented, they dispose of, er, liquidate their former friends and business partners and that’s that. I hope this makes DUers wonder about what the future holds for them under the leadership of current Bush front-man, the Little Turd from Crawford. Remember, to the Bushes, dead men tell no tales.

BTW: This little essay doesn’t even consider all the other scandals, rip-offs, strange and convenient deaths and political intrigues that the brave call Treason. Those are the subjects of another post.

Oh yeah. There’s another important historical precedent to consider when it comes to Funny Things Bush. Somebody went to great lengths at great expense to make Lee Harvey Oswald out as the patsy on November 22, 1963. Covering it up for years wasn’t cheap or easy, either. The former Marine was family, too. CIA and FBI. His name and contact info were in the late George de Mohrenschildt’s address book, along with that of George Herbert Walker Bush “Poppy.”

The Supreme Leader at play.


John Hinckley, Taxi Driver

Saddam Hussein Love Story

Manuel Noriega Had a Coke Smile

Osama bin Laden Been Missing

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Octafish Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-04-03 12:25 AM
Response to Original message
1. Feel free to pile on. Free. Fun. FAIR.
Bonus: Bush Organized Crime Family Quiz:

BTW: Unashamed kick for a lot of work tagging the BFEE.
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Clete Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-04-03 12:32 AM
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2. Thanks Octafish.
Information all in one place. Wish I had some to add.
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Octafish Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-04-03 12:53 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. You're welcome, Clete!
Don't worry. The thing I want more than anything is to share the information about the Vast Right Wing Criminal Enterprise and their stooges, the Bush Organized Crime Family so more DUers can pass the word. This evil has been working hard at enslaving humanity for centuries if not aeons. In my life, I've suspected they went public on November 22, 1963.

Check out some of the links and sites that host them and you'll have plenty to add. And judging from what you've posted elsewhere, you've got a lot to add with your own voice.

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bitchkitty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-04-03 01:38 AM
Response to Original message
4. Good job -
but you left out Prescott and Adolph.

I'm about to PM you!
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Ani Yun Wiya Donating Member (639 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-04-03 04:06 AM
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5. Your post agrees with my thinking.

These three dates share a remarkably similar "look and feel".
I'll be damned if each of those days weren't fine examples of "amazing results based on few observable facts".

Anyone looking at these formative events would indeed find the same cast of characters at the root of each of those days.

Wasn't it back in fall of '59 at a family cook-out that Ol' Poppy made this crack?:

"Just wait till I run my boys for President".
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Octafish Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-04-03 04:56 PM
Response to Reply #5
13. 3-30-81
Was the day Poppy almost got an important promotion. Yes, those numbers sure look weird. Do they have significance, numerologically?

Karl Jung talked about Synchronicity. Mae Brussell called it Conspiracy. Either way, it's a more than weird world. And sometimes it's very, very bad.

Regarding the Poppy quote: Sorry to report, Ani Yun Wiya, that I don't have the date. I remember reading that Bushler wanted his male progeny to rise up through the ranks, as it were. The saying is unforgettable, sending chills up and down the back of anyone who knows what these monsters are capable of.

"Stumm. Stumm."
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leftchick Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-04-03 05:22 AM
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6. thanks Octafish! I am Bookmarking it....
and feel the need of a shower...
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cthrumatrix Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-04-03 05:57 AM
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7. You might be missing one ................ the media
Can't do it without all the players in place.
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Octafish Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-04-03 05:06 PM
Response to Reply #7
14. U got it, cthru!
The Turds had the word out MINUTES after JFK was dead that they were looking for the Commie rat bastid LH Oswald, a known Cuba-loving Marxist who defected to the Soviet Union, but managed to get a job in the very building just where the motorcade route got changed to pass by on that terrible day. To make certain people put together Oswald and gun-nut, there were several people who IMPERSONATED him in the months leading up to November 1963.

While these events have been reported and documented by independent researchers and writers ("kindly" denigrated as "Conspiracy Buffs"), what troubles me is the absolute SLOTH and near-total CORRUPTION of the members of the established media who never wanted to ask "Why?" at the time and in the 40 years since.

The reason for their cowardice: They are afraid of being labelled "Conspiracy Nut." What a joke. It's too bad the joke is on the Constitution, our country, and We the People.
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emad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-04-03 06:05 AM
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8. You are coming over loud and clear, Octafish!
Hate to sound repetitive, but would just like to mention yet again that:
We Got The Bastards!!!!!:
Despite massive attempts to block, stonewall and prevent relevant evidence coming to trial, the Bank of England earlier this year was barred from prohibiting the use of a huge dossier of evidence being heard in a forthcoming UK trial in January 2004, where a group of small former creditors of collapsed BCCI are suing Bank of England for a billion pounds in a class action unprecedented in the UK.

This dossier of evidence contains, inter alia, all the data linking the P2 lodge to Al Qaeda, the IRA, European and Russian Mafia, former and current Nazis, and organised crime worldwide. This includes a massive family geneaology going back five or six generations to the late 19th century, dna samples, passports, birth death and marriage certificates, national insurance identification, driving licences, welfare/social security records as well as all the aliases/new identities assumed by these crime families and the cover up systems that perpetuated their reigns of terror. EG: evidence from the UK's Savile Enquiry into collusion between armed forces and Irish terrorists into mass murder, corrupt military officers, police officers and security/intelligence personnel; evidence linking Bush 1 when he was CIA chief to corrupt politicians and civil servants in the UK as well as so called house of windor family members; evidence linking Banco Ambrosiano collapse to BCCI, including massive property theft and money laundering scam that doshed up former WW2 criminals - mainly east european sex offenders settled in the UK under aliases, who then joined IRA and committed mass murders and who have resisted eviction from unlawfully occupied properties by conducting a campaign of terror on the UK mainland etc etc etc

What you have defined as The Bush Organised Crime Family above is all documented in a massive archive of evidence that was placed before the Court in 1998/1999, following the appalling human rights violation that is called the Good Friday Peace Agreement - a work of treason architected by Blair, Clinton and with major input by Senator George Mitchell.

Further, this evidence contains all the security dossiers that Reagan/Bush, Bush 1/Quayle, Clinton/Gore and now Bush 2/Cheney thought had been successfully shredded, and all the counterpart files of UK premiers Edward Heath, Jim Callaghan, Margaret Thatcher, John Major, and of course Tony Blair.

The class action alleges that Margaret Thatcher knowingly colluded with Reagan and Bush 1 to conceal criminal evidence and that the Bank of England was fully aware of this and authorised BCCI to operate, knowing it was a 'chinese laundry'. Further, it alleges that Thatcher, Reagan and Bush 1 were acting purely from pre-meditated self interest in this situation, to frame security/intelligence chiefs who had busted them. In addition, it alleges that they orchestrated various acts of global terror and then framed individuals who had successfully sued them in private law suits for harassment, defamation and libel/slander.

Bank of England lost an appeal earlier this year to have classified material heard in this case, roughly the same time Bush 2/Blair sent the troops into Iraq without a UN mandate for invasion and under the pretext of mythical WMDs. They knew back in September 2002 that BofE would lose this appeal, roughly at the time the 'dodgy dossier' of 45 minutes fame was compiled.

The main witnesses testifying and supplying the above evidence have been subjected to a huge campaign of harrassment, intimidation, death threats, torture, public and private vilification etc etc etc. There is little doubt that the person most in charge of keeping this out of the news since 1997 is Alistair Campbell, who is well aware just how many members of the Labour Party front benches are named in the dossier, as well as their covert biological links to named Tories, US Republicans and Democrats. It's a pretty non partisan business. You can argue with a polygraph but not with a DNA analysis.

Campbell's boss, from his journalistic days, was the gross bastard Robert Maxwell, whose career of doshing up many Labour Party personnel is well documented - Gordon Brown, for instance, is one such lucky beneficiary. A huge enquiry into Maxwell's theft of 400 million sterling from Mirror Group pensioners was blocked and stonewalleed by John Major and a whitewash to sanitise the shit effectively got Blair elected more effectively than his dropping of the so called clause 4 of his party's manifesto.

Additional material puts the evidence into historical perspective, showing how this case identifies a massive international criminal cult that is closely linked, through DNA, to fascist/nazi organizations and families that comprise what Millenium fantasists define as the Merovignian Line.

It took a long time to compile and countless murders have been committed to prevent this case being heard in open court. Finally, after a series of successful private prosecutions, and with the full backing of the UK's fraud squad, special branch and security services, the evidence was presented.

Bottom line for the USA: Bush/Cheney and all of Shrubland is toast. Their personal attempts to discredit and prevent this case from being heard has included massive pressure on Blair to keep all media reporting of the mere existence of this case to a minimum. When things got too hot in the kitchen, they needed a PR exercise to give them some gravitas in world opinion, and expected to be vindicated by finding a huge stash of WMDs in Saddam's back yard, plus a paper trail linking him to Al Qaeda. All they got in the end was a trail leading back straight to the heart of their own evil.

Your excellent post above says it all; hope my contribution sheds some light on what is actually being done about it.

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seemslikeadream Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-04-03 10:46 AM
Response to Reply #8
9. Excellent post
My DNA goes back to the United Irishmen 1791.
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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-04-03 10:50 AM
Response to Reply #8
10. BCCI is going to be a HOT issue in 04 campaign
and that is why the Bushies do NOT want Kerry to win the primary and will do whatever they can to make sure he is NOT the Dem nominee. BCCI relates directly to 9-11 and Iraq.
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Octafish Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-04-03 04:37 PM
Response to Reply #8
11. The BFEE by any other name...
... is still the Bush Organized Crime Family and smells like the dirty rats they are. DUers also call them the BFEE (Bush Family Evil Empire), Bushco, Busholini, Bush Mafia, the Moron Militia, Satan's Bedfellows, and a thousand other names. No matter what they’re called, the BFEE stands for the same thing — enslavement, enrichment, and exploitation of the world's people and resources.

Thanks for the great summary of the BCCI—B of E lawsuit and its implications for our world's future, emad aisat sana. I had no idea the plaintiffs were planning on bringing the whole affair and its implications to light. And like the refrigerator door opening at midnight during a Texas heat wave, the BFEE cockroaches will scramble to scatter themselves in the dark corners ASAFP.

Hmm. Alistair "Honest Al" Campbell, eh? That master media manipulator just can't keep his weasely hide out of the news. Well, not that he had anything DIRECTLY to do with the death of Dr. David Kelly. Neither did the Baby-eating Bishop of Bath and Wales, according to Tony Blair AND the BBC.

We got a snip of the BCCI story a few months back on the Olde DU’s Latest Breaking News. DUers had a great time posting all things BCCI, creating a very important thread, chock full o’ information. A lot of great DUers there, some who seldom post anymore, created one of the biggest BCCI repositories this side of the BFEE. I was known as “Oblomov” then.

Infinite thanks for your outstandingly detailed reply, emad aisat sana! An astounding story with connections across the planet and through the centuries. And what do they fear the most? The Truth!

These turds of the BFEE fear that once the people know who they are they and see what they have done, they’ll get strung up by their thumbs, which would be just, or their heels, like they deserve. Why shouldn’t that be the fate of murderers?

Have they ever shown the SLIGHTEST mercy? The Bush Organized Crime Family, and the secret fascistic and satanic elite they serve, have committed genocide against humanity to maintain political and economic power since recorded history. Still, humanity is greater than they are or can ever be. And they have taken advantage of the the most injured, who almost always are the ones first to forgive.

PS: Yours is remarkable reply that sheds great light on the international nature of the corruption we call the BFEE. Thanks also for the kind words and your great work. What's in a name, Ana?

"And who are you who are so wise
in the ways of political science?"

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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-04-03 04:45 PM
Response to Reply #11
12. I couldn't agree more, Octafish.
That story is going to be bigger than many can imagine. I hope emad aisat sana can provide us with updates from this case.
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Octafish Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-04-03 05:18 PM
Response to Reply #12
15. Thanks, blm!
Your opinion matters a great deal to me. And not just because we usually agree, you've been instrumental in bringing the light of day to the Bush Organized Crime Family. The war is far from over, but the good guys are starting to get the upper hand — as evinced by the number of people in government who have not gone over to the evil side.

"There are some who call me... 'blm'?"

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ElementaryPenguin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-04-03 05:52 PM
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16. Rented "JFK" the other night!! AMAZING and glaring parallels with the
Nasty predicament we find ourselves in today with the military industrial complex/Texas big energy Mob!!!! Really worth rewatching right now!! You'll be shitting bricks - and you'll feel a distinct BFEE facist presence that makes the damn assassination feel eerily contemporary!
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Octafish Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-05-03 12:55 AM
Response to Reply #16
17. Oswald, Ruby, de Mohrenschildt were USED by the BFEE.
Oliver Stone and his "counter-myth" JFK kept alive the public interest — and generated a new interest in the generations that weren't alive when President Kennedy had the country believing in "The New Frontier." Even though I was six years old, I remember the day he died.. The country has not been the same since, ElementaryPenguin. From Vietnam to domestic policy to the emphasis on public education, civil service, and building a better future for ALL Americans. It just hasn't been there for a long, long time. And BTW, that's why I'm for Kerry, a guy who remembers Kennedy even better than me because he was a family friend of the JFK's.

AnyWho: Here are a couple of names from the movie and a guy who's KEY to the assassination — TYING JFK AND BFEE — and good sources for more information:

Lee Harvey Oswald, framed to be the patsy, was an American intelligence agent who “defected” to Russia two weeks after a Navy noncom, Robert Webster; Webster returned to the US from the Soviet Union two weeks before Oswald. The FBI and the CIA withheld ALL their secret info, including exculpatory information, from the Warren Commission. Warren Commission member (and sacked CIA head and Bush family crony) Allan Dulles and Kennedy hater J Edgar Hoover were the reasons. (“Spy Saga” by Philip H. Melanson; “Oswald and the CIA” by John M. Newman).

Jack Ruby, tied to the Mafia, rabid anti-communists, and the Dallas establishment — said he suspected Nazis and LBJ behind the assassination; during a late-night press conference stated “He belongs to the Fair Play for Cuba Committee” to correct a reporter who had asked if Oswald belonged to the “Free Cuba Committee.” If Ruby shot Oswald on the spur of the moment, how is it he knew so much about his intel work? (“Spy Saga” by Philip H. Melanson; “Rearview Mirror” by William Turner).

George De Mohrenschildt, the only man known to be on a first-name basis with both George Herbert Walker Bush and Lee Harvey Oswald, was found the victim of what appeared to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound on the day he was to be interviewed by House assassinations investigators. Oswald was "befriended" by de Mohrenschildt upon his arrival in Dallas. At the time, de Mohrenschildt had been a longtime friend of Poppy Bush.(“The Last Investigation” by Gaeton Fonzi; “Conspiracy” by Anthony Summers).

Oswald at work in New Orleans:

"Like the new brochures, Mr. Bannister?"
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