Poll numbers... I am sure Karl Rove is having
a fit right about now...
And for the record I do not trust polls no more, but
it is still nice to see...
Poll: U.S. Losing Grip In Iraq
NEW YORK, Aug. 29, 2003
(Photo: CBS/AP)
Nearly half of Americans now think things are going badly for the U.S. in Iraq. That number has continued its rise since early last month.
Click here to see the complete questions and responses to this CBS News poll.
(CBS) Americans express growing concern that things are not going well for the U.S. in Iraq. More now than at any time since the war ended think things are going badly for the U.S. there, and an increasing number see U.S. control of events there slipping away. Americans continue to support the United Nations having a lead role in Iraq.
Although the public expresses more concern about U.S. involvement in Iraq, and American troops continue to experience casualties -- the number of American lives lost in Iraq since the war was officially declared over has now surpassed the casualties experienced during combat -- the public still supports a U.S. troop presence. Only a third want U.S. troops brought back home.
As they have for many months, Americans support a multilateral approach to rebuilding and governing Iraq, and that support has grown in this poll. 69% of Americans think the United Nations, and not the United States, should have the lead responsibility for setting up a new government in Iraq, even more than felt that way last April. 25% want the U.S. to be responsible for building an Iraqi government.