So, you run into a freeptard who says "So you think we should honor the Geneva Conventions with the people who chop off heads?"
Well, the problem there is the "timing".
You see, we here in "The United States of Bush and God" (a tiny little subdivision of "I hate Fags and Lezzies") were first shown the "burned and mutilated" bodies of American "contractors" being defiled on the bridge.
Then, I believe, we had the first beheading (ironically, of a supporter-type of Bush whose father was ID'd by the freeptards as an "enemy of freedom/Bush"; when captured in Iraq, questioned by the occupying force, and then released on your merry way, especially while being "Jewish") of an "American Civilian".
Now, at this point, we the "American Viewing Public" are treated to the "frat prank" pictures of the goings-on of Abu Ghraib, which we are informed are "isolated and uncommon". Oh, the "liberal media" forgot to tell us, these "hijinks" were reported to the higher-ups in command well before the first mutilated bodies were kidnapped, let alone killed-and-burned, or burned-and-killed, and mutilated. And that this was a lot more common than "an isolated incident".
More beheadings and bloody resistance ensues. We're treated to reports of more and more "non-soldiers" being tortured and beheaded, etc.
And now, we have the famous "marine shooting an injured, apparently unarmed" Iraqi. I have to admit (and I am not a military person), I am sure this goes on a lot more than ever was reported, but then, we never had this unprecedented coverage by "embedded" reporters who never seem to run out of film or have to have it developed. And the soldier apparently was not too concerned about the reporter watching this. It must have gone on more than documented for the reporter to "catch this single incident".
Of course, this comes as no surprise to people who have paid attention all along. Or those who are willing to see the truth.
Then again, there are those who are shown the facts in black and white, in color, on videotape, and with more than enough references and corroboration, and yet they deny their own eyes and blatantly lie to your face that everything's going well and tell you that you're nucking futs . . .