We've been through the stolen elections, corrupt paybacks, facilitated terrorist attacks, mass protests, wars of aggression, bombing of civilians and escalation of military spending.
We've seen most of the world and 49% of Americans renounce these ghouls and their crusade for world domination.
So when will we find a way to pull the plug on their financing?
The second stolen election along with the Sinclair boycott and discussions of leaving the USA got me thinking of ways to go beyond grumbling and take real action. Think of Thoreau writing On Civil Disobedience from his jail cell, justifying his refusal to pay for the invasion of Mexico his his taxes.
First, convert free cash to gold or Euros (backed by gold @ 15%, could increase to 28%), sell US stocks and government debt in all investment accounts (half way there).
Look for foreign companies to roll over retirement accounts to. I'm looking at UBS, the Swiss bank, to see if their SEP plan (pension & profit sharing plan for small business) offers investment options for European government debt to replace US treasuries. Fidelity does not offer these instruments. Open new IRA or SEP accounts with European institutions before year end (it's almost here!) and make contributions before tax day.
Then develop a plan for emigrating. Learn a foreign language (parles vous frances?) and develop skills that are needed elsewhere (computer programmer, wife & kids speak Chinese, have bridge to Taiwan).
I've been contributing 25% of earnings pre-tax from a successful IT consulting firm in NYC for several years. Not all liberals are penniless hippies as the freepers like to claim. They want us to go? Fine. We will defund your war machine on the way out.
Already, the dollar has declined 30% against the Euro with a lot more to go and gold has hit a 16 year high at $430. $8 trillion in debt increasing $400+ billion/year, $200+ billion in war costs off the budget books with no end in sight, huge trade deficits, the Federal Reserve increasing the M3 money supply at record rates, China and Japan buying our debt, oil and natural gas production entering decline globally, Wall Street propped up and manipulated by the Federal Reserve since the 1980's, real estate values artificially high, jobs being outsourced, loss of our manufacturing base, dismantled social programs, descent into religious madness, ...
The list of impending disasters goes on and on. This is not sustainable and the people in charge of every branch of government are not about to change course.
If the Iran invasion becomes imminent (hearing stories of Jan or Feb 2005), execute plan with all haste. That's the crushing blow to our military, economy, currency and civil liberties that is sure to bring about financial armageddon.