in this recession than in previous two. It reminded me of something Paul Krugman said in his Liberal Oasis interview -- this government has spent about 700 billion dollars this year, 500 bill of which is defeicit spending, in its swing from surplus to defecit. He was making the point that that should have bought an awful lot of jobs, since it's about 10 million jobs at the average salary (
I was thinking, is this the Bush strategy? We know that most of that money is going to Haliburton, and other large companies, but some of it must be going towards keeping the poorest Americans' heads just above water. It's the middle class who is the source of all this income being transferred to Haliburton and Enron (it's the middle class which had the retirement savings, and who have the jobs generating the cash going into Republican pockets).
This administration isn't primarily an administration brutalizing the poor (because they WANT the poor in the job market driving wages down). This administration is primarily about gently, quietly destroying the middle class.