Here's a link to the local CBS affiliate's web site: here are my views ...... I've followed Mfume for years ... from city council to the US House, to his own public affairs talk show to the NAACP, to today.
Bond said on TV, with Kwaesi at his side, there were no underlying difficulties at the NAACP that led to his departure. As far as the IRS issues, Bond said it was because of a speech he gave, not anything on Mfume's part. Of course, if there's something simmering below the surface, who knows .......
Mfume, in my opinion, is a very capable guy, smart, well educated (Yale Law?), politically savvy, media savvy, charismatic, and a great organizer.
Personally, now that he's available, I'd love to see him under consideration for DNC head.
He also spoke about running for the Senate from his home state, Maryland, where he still lives. Of course he committed to nothing and ruled out any chances of a run if the incumbent, Paul Sarbanes, chooses to stand for reelection in '06. But with Paul being 71 in '06, who knows. Mfume is 56 or 57.
Anyway, he's a great guy and I would like to see him continue to be a national voice for our side.