found at: can't even imagine what this soldier went through. This is a very long but moving story about one soldier's feelings after returning from Iraq. The paragraphs I've included don't do the story justice. I have a husband that served in Iraq and he (thankfully) was in a fairly "quiet" place (at that time). Some days I wonder what goes through his mind.<snip>I've been a Kossack for only a short time, but I think I have a unique perspective. I've seen a lot of talk about Iraq on this site. I keep seeing the phrase "war criminal" over and over, and it hurts me deeply. So, I wrote this diary to give you all some perspective. I am hoping that you understand who you are pointing a finger at, and the emotional impact.
I got back from Iraq last fall. I had been called back to active duty from the reserves right after Sept 11th, and I had been gone more or less ever since. I spent the first year supporting other operations, but I was sent to Kuwait in early 2003 as part of the buildup for Iraq. We crossed the "berm" into Iraq three days behind the main invasion force, and my team moved around throughout the country for the next several months. The ambush that I described above happened towards the end of my deployment. My wounds were superficial, and I now only bear faint scars.
<snip>When I was in Iraq, I was the token liberal officer. At the time, I believed in what we were doing even though I didn't like President Bush. I thought we were right as a nation despite who our leadership was, and I was angry with the war protesters. But, I would still argue other liberal points of view. One night, a senior officer who was very conservative, but whom I deeply respect told me this: "You know they hate you, don't you? You are a smart talented warrior. You are among the finest of your generation, but they cannot accept that the world needs men like you. They hate you and everything you stand for."
I disagreed with him, but as I drove deeper into "blue" territory; I was beginning to think he was right.
<snip>I'd like to say that I'm not angry anymore, but it would be a lie. I am deeply pissed off at over 50 million of my fellow countrymen, and despite what John Kerry says, I can't forgive and forget. I don't care about healing. I want a reckoning, and I want my party to deliver.
I know this is 5 paragraphs, but the one is only a sentence long... do I need to cut it? There is sooo much more to this story, please read.