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Joanne98 Just want to thank you

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Sleepless In NY Donating Member (749 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 02:33 AM
Original message
Joanne98 Just want to thank you
Seems everytime I want to respond to one of your posts, it gets locked before I do! Like tonite! LOL!

I'm not sure if my posting to you is allowed, I'm still kind of new here, so my apologies to the Mods if it isn't. If it has to be locked, I'll understand, and I'm sorry if I broke any rules. Joanne, I'm just hoping you get to see this before, in the event that should happen.

Awhile back you had a post "To the citizens of Dirtsville USA: Quit grieving for NYC..." and nothing has ever expressed the way I felt, as you did in that post. But it was gone, before I had the chance. I won't put up the link, dont worry, don't want to get either of us in trouble!

Anyways, I just wanted to thank you & let you know I took the post and the replies to one of my classes. We really had a great discussion about it. Someone remarked.."She's put into words the pain I've been feeling for the past 3 years."

Tell you one have a way of cutting thru the BS with a scalpel! And I guess, that's not for everyone...but... We all loved it! And as it turns out, you were correct about the mindset of certain people and how they wound up voting.

So..hoping I don't get either one of us in trouble...hope you see this....and...Thanks Again!
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Tsiyu Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 04:02 AM
Response to Original message
1. I'll kick it so she might see it
I loved that Dirtsville thread, too, even though we have to be careful - many rural folk HATE *.

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