Let me play against the conventional wisdom here and say that I don't think that when push comes to shove and the draft is reinstated, the Canadians will not send very many draft dodgers back to the US.
1) Remember that Canada was not enthusiastic about accepting Vietnam War draft dodgers at first, but by 1969 the country was openly welcoming draft dodgers.
2) Most Canadians, and most Canadian politicians, vehemently oppose this Administration's foreign policy. Sending back American draft dodgers would only be feeding the war machine more warm bodies. There will be a big demand in Canada to accept Americans who no longer wish to have anything to do with the Bush Administration.
3) I could see Canada sending back Americans who have a prior criminal record, or outstanding warrants for arrest on other matters, or maybe right wing chickenhawk hypocrites, but I see Canada as welcoming people who are willing to embrace Canadian values.
4) I am aware of the often cited US-Canadian treaty from late-2001 which is used as evidence of an agreement by Canada to send draft dodgers back. But the treaty never explicitly mentions the draft, and the treaty's language is rather ambiguous with regard to any legal requirement that Canada send draft dodgers back.