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Intergalactic super war criminal

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northamericancitizen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 06:15 AM
Original message
Intergalactic super war criminal
From Yahoo news Canada. Here is an excerpts from the article:

A group of young women from Montreal, calling themselves the Radical Cheerleaders, shook homemade pom-poms and chanted their anti-Bush repertoire. One "cheer" ended with the line:

"He wants to start a new arms race, putting his weapons in outer space. (He's an) intergalactic super war criminal!"

A young man encased in masking tape and calling himself the Mummy of Montreal stagger-stepped through the throng. Music by Bob Marley and Neil Young blared from loudspeakers as people openly smoked marijuana.

The crowd roared when Michael Mandel of Lawyers Against the War talked of the estimated 100,000 Iraqis who have died since the U.S. invasion.

"This isn't a president," he said. "This is a homicidal maniac."

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ayeshahaqqiqa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 06:44 AM
Response to Original message
1. Oh, Canada!
I love what these people did!
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Ganja Ninja Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 06:55 AM
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2. "Music by Bob Marley and Neil Young ....
as people openly smoked marijuana."

I just realized, I really do hate America! Why do we have to be so backward? Why are we saddled with these losers?
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