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I see hopeful signs . The hope comes from other people, not Bush.

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KlatooBNikto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 07:00 AM
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I see hopeful signs . The hope comes from other people, not Bush.
As we concentrate on Bush's mad adventures and killing sprees in the Middle East, the world is moving forward on many fronts without the U.S. The hopeful signs are coming from India, Venezuela, Brazil and Chile. All these countries have, through Democratic reforms, brought hope to their people and laid the foundations for peace and prosperity to a large number of our planet's people. China, as it moves toward increasing prosperity, will also become democratic and that would ensure that nearly half of the world's people would enjoy greater freedoms and prosperity in the coming years.The old ways of the U.S. support for oligarchs in Third World countries in return for a license to loot their resources are coming to an end.

I think the European Union has recognized this change and is actively helping bring about a new world order that would move away from the Might is Right paradigm that the U.S. wants to flaunt.I am willing to predict that the U.S. is going to be the loser in this race.
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