Look at what he has accomplished. He has taken a nonentity and transformed him into the twentyfirst century version of Winston Churchill, at least in the minds of the unthinking 51% of the American electorate if you believe in the voting results. To do this, he had the help of Rasputin Rumsfeld and Svengali Cheney, of course. Together this evil trio manufactured the 9/11 incident,created a phantom threat,stonewalled all investigations, turned an AWOL, alcoholic, drug addict, abortionist into a born again devout Christian who regresses every now and then into a veritable paragon of virtue.This nobody is allowed to denigrate the service of people like Gore and Kerry, to question their vastly superior competence and intelligence and to impugn the patriotism of Max Cleland without any consequence along the way.I am certain Rove has managed to "fix" the lections somehow because I refuse to believe that the American people, hurt by the continuing hemorrage of jobs and the uncertain future for their children and the inequality of our tax laws under Bush would have voted for him.
A real evil genius he ,Master Karl.Along this evil road he has also managed to kill and maim thousands of innocents.But hey somebody has got to do it, right?